Daniel R. Lynch

By: Trent Egbert | Posted: 23rd October 2012

Daniel is the author of the art quotation: “My inspiration is ART......because without ART
we would just be stuck with reality.”
By Daniel R. Lynch

To understand this famous quote you must know what art is. One opinion is that “pictures” don't have much of an impact in our world. However, with Daniel's deep thinking, he understood ART. Art is what humans do to allow them to see and appreciate many things in the world.

ART is all encompassing, it is architecture, landscaping, motion pictures, plays, dancing, music and many other creative things that humans do, and yet if we did not have art, we would have to deal with reality! Take the Grand Canyon as an example. Its reality is unparalleled, but with man's help in building access and the structures around that magnificent wonder of the world, man has allowed millions to see and appreciate it. Without man's art, millions would only be able to read about it like our moon is today. At one time, some humans had a cave to live in as a home, then humans developed houses, etc. that builds upon what our Creator gave us. The Creator also gave us the ability for ART to further make his creation enjoyable.

Many of you may not be able to understand this concept and will not be able to understand the deep meaning of this powerful quotation. Because many artists and creative people know what true Art is, they are able to understand this quotation's deep meaning.

This entry is about Daniel and his quotation and gives meaningful insight into Daniel's mind and his thinking. Daniel was a very deep thinker, calm, sincere and got along with all people. In all of Daniel's short life, he had never been in a fight or argument. Yes, he had his opinions, but was a firm believer that he must respect the other person's opinion even though he might not understand how some others felt, that it was mainly from their life experiences. Arguments were not in Daniel's personality.

Daniel worked full time 3:30 to 11:00 pm and went to the university full time. Receiving his education was of prime importance to him, he strongly believed that the effort you put into your goal paid off in the end. He wanted to be the best at his chosen profession. His goal was to be in computer animation. Yes, he loved art but grew up viewing the the Simpsons cartoon series and even when he had a down day, after watching the Simpsons, his day was brighter. He hoped that being in that profession he could bring joy and happiness to others and at the same time be doing something he enjoyed. He believed that the world had two types of people, the TAKERS and the GIVERS. Daniel was a very sincere GIVER. However, at the time in his life he had to work so very hard toward his goal that he was not able to help those that he knew needed help and that had a deep effect on him.

Daniel was very close to receiving his BFA Degree in Fine Art. He was very proud of what he had accomplished and very shortly he would meet his “DREAM.”

One day, Daniel was walking to the Bart train station on his way to class at the university when he was attacked by a gang member and was shot to death. The gang member thought Daniel was someone else. It was ruled a “Mistaken Identity” killing. No matter the reason why or how, a wonderful, sincere, extremely hard working young artist is dead. After Daniel's death, his Art quote was given to his brother. It lay unnoticed and undiscovered for five years. In the sixth year after Daniel's death his quote was discovered and today it is one of the famous Art quotes that artists and creative people can enjoy!

If you are interested in knowing more about Daniel and the Daniel Robert Lynch (DRL) Art Education and Scholarship Program in his honor and memory, please visit the below referenced information.

The world lost a wonderful person, he was a compassionate DOER, who would have been a leader in his chosen and loved profession. The world has a few people like Daniel and we are very fortunate to have them. Daniel's Dream is on Facebook.


Daniel’s Art Program http://www.cefut.org (Visit Art Program)

Daniel's Story and Art Program http://www.DansInspiration.com

A blog about Daniel's Art Program http://www.DansInspiration.blogspot.com

A Fundraiser for Daniel's DRL Art Program http://YouCaring.com (enter DRL Art Program)

Read a Book about Daniel and his Art Program “ Daniel's Dream “ ISBN 978-1-460-92090-9
(Can be found at your library or book store.)
This article is copyright
Printed From: http://www.articleheaven.net/daniel-r-lynch-2435092.html

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Tags: many things, personality, architecture, inspiration, moon, firm believer, quotation, life experiences, thinker, grand canyon, motion pictures, true art, wonder of the world, famous quote, art art