Tree Services Sydney (Tree Removal, Lopping and Pruning)

By: Ariel Linford | Posted: 08th August 2012

There could be various reasons to remove a tree e.g. the tree could be dead, diseased, if the tree is dead, hazardous or causing damage to building or public. You may require local council approval to remove a tree. Please check with your council to determine if you need to obtain a tree removal permit.

This technique cannot be applied to all trees, especially the majority of Australian Native trees, as the crown structure does not allow for this technique. Such trees as London Planes, Liquidambars do lend themselves to this technique well, most Eucalypts don't. This is a management process once implemented should be redone on a bi/tri annual basis. No more than 25% of the total green area should be removed in one growing season. In the tree removal industry there is a great misconception that tree lopping and tree removal are synonyms of each other. This is simply untrue. Their difference in meaning might surprise you.

Tree lopping, lopping, or hat-racking are terms that describe the process of removing the entire top half of a tree, or the removal of the main stem of the tree. Lopping was a common practice in the tree industry prior to 1983 due to a lack of standards, training, and certification. The now dated process involves cross-cutting the main stem(s) or leaders and leaving behind the rest of the tree. On the other hand, tree removal is the process of removing an entire tree. Tree felling is the only correct synonym for tree removal. The process of removal varies based on the size of the tree, the amount of space required the 'drop' the tree, if there is nearby power lines, and of course the arborist’s preference. However, in residential and commercial areas a piece by piece approach if often adopted to reduce risks of damage to nearby buildings and infrastructure.

Tree pruning Sydney is often a necessity for amenity trees and is performed for numerous reasons. If performed correctly it should not only accommodate the human needs such as clearance pruning or hazard mitigation but it should also improve the structure and health of the tree. Typical reasons for pruning include:

• Removal of deadwood or damaged branches

• Increased light penetration or air flow

• Clearance from buildings, service wires and footpaths

• Hazard reduction by removing heavy limbs over buildings

• Reduction in wind load of branches in the canopy

• Reduction in leaf litter for pools and gutters

• Clearance or thinning for aesthetic reasons such as views

• Selective pruning to improve the health and longevity of the tree

It is important to understand that pruning has the potential to seriously damage the tree and create more problems than before if it is not carried out correctly using the required techniques, proper cuts and with an understanding of the biology of the tree involved and how it will respond.

Tree lopping Sydney is the process of trimming various sections of a tree. The lopping may involve clearing away branches or limbs, or even shortening trunks. There are two different schools of thought in regard to the practice of lopping, with some people feeling the process is beneficial and others believing the practice should be avoided if at all possible.

One form of tree lopping takes place as part of the landscaping process. In this setting, the tree lopper has the goal of reshaping existing trees so they will blend in with the general landscape design. This may involve trimming branches and limbs in order to modify the shape of the tree. If the idea is to limit the height of the tree, the lopping may involve removing all the branches and limbs, as well as part of the trunk.

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Tags: preference, misconception, synonyms, infrastructure, planes, synonym, redone, sydney, local council, commercial areas