How to plan your landscaping

By: Beaulester | Posted: 25th July 2012

Are You Looking For Landscape Gardening Advice? Read On

Landscaping is a fantastic and worthwhile hobby as it provides you not only with a creative outlet, but also with fresh produce for you and your family to enjoy. Getting started may provide some challenges, as there are several nuances to successful gardening. This article is meant to provide you with the requisite knowledge to ensure you get the most from your garden.

Are you wondering if you need to water your lawn? One good way to tell is to simply walk across it. If you can see your footprints, you have a thirsty yard. Every week, your lawn should be receiving up to one inch of water. If you live in an area where it doesn't rain frequently, make sure to give your lawn the "footprint test" whenever you're not sure if it's had enough to drink.

Think about asking friends or family for cuttings from their existing plants. Many plants will grow from cuttings so that you do not have to purchase a whole plant yourself. It takes only minutes to learn online which part of the plant you should cut off to replant, and using cuttings can save you hundreds of dollars in landscaping and gardening costs.

A great tip to consider in regards to gardening is that you always want to choose your own made fertilizer instead of store bought chemical fertilizer whenever possible. This is important because you will save a ton of money and you also keep chemicals out of your garden that may cause damage in the long run.

Make sure you are realistic about your gardening abilities. It is easy to get excited about the possibilities that your garden holds. However, it does not make sense to purchase seeds that will not thrive in your climate. Research what type of plants you can successfully grow and stick to your list when shopping.

Use scale, color and texture in your garden to improve interest. Use plants of different heights, putting small ones in front and tall ones in the back. Add a few plants that have deep maroon leaves, which looks great next to greenery. Plant a tree or shrub that changes to oranges and golds in autumn, and mix small-leafed plants with larger-leafed or spiky plants, such as agave.

A great tip to consider when cleaning up after gardening is using a nail brush for your hands. This is a great tip because having the correct cleaning tools will ensure that you can get your hands looking great in no time.

Try to avoid using pesticides in your garden. Pesticides can get into your food easily when you spray them on your edible plants. These pesticides can make you sick, and have been linked to greater health issues. There are many organic alternatives to pesticides that are safe to you and the environment.

Plant a new and different edible each week. Eating tomatoes or corn every day can get old real quick, but if a variety is planted, this problem will never happen. The garden can offer a wide variety of different edible plants and if they come to maturity at the same time the variety will make the garden more enjoyable and more fun.

Building a compost pile for your garden is a real treat for the health of your plants. It is easy to build a compost pile and many different types of material can be used to build it, like concrete blocking, stones, bricks, wooden planks, lumber, or snow fencing. If you use wood as the material for the compost pile, be sure to use water resistant wood such as cedar and redwood.

When deciding to plant a garden, it is important to survey the areas available for planting and determine which will be the best location. Whether you grow your fruits and vegetables in your yard, on your patio in containers, or on your apartment balcony, your plants should be in a location which is exposed to sunlight. To yield the best harvest, most crops need to be situated in an area which is an open location that is sunny.

If this is your first time planting a garden, you should purchase seeds and plant them in seed trays to allow them to grow some before planting them outside. By doing this, your plant will be stronger and much more likely to survive once you plant it in the soil outside.

Water your garden about once a week, giving the ground a good soaking. A soaker hose is a great tool for the garden. The best time to water is early in the morning, before the heat of the day has already wilted your plants. If you are being faithful with watering weekly, your plants should be fine even on the hottest days.

Be sure to water a tomato patch no more than once every five to seven days. However, when you do water, be sure to give the ground a thorough soaking. Tomatoes do best if the soil is wet deeply, unlike many plants which prefer a light misting more often. Also, be sure to water the ground, not the plants.

You can easily make a homemade yeast trap to attract the slugs in your garden. Just use about half a teaspoon of baking yeast, a teaspoon of sugar, and water. Fill a glass jar with the mixture and put it in the ground, flush with the earth. Slugs will enter the glass jars, and eventually drown.

To bring birds to your garden, add plants that will naturally attract them. One of the best plants for attracting birds are sunflowers. Birds are naturally drawn to their height and scent. Birds also love small trees like Japanese maples and dogwood trees, as well as most kinds of shrubs or vines.

From the simplest of gardens to the most grand, there are always rules of thumb that will help ensure you get the best possible results from your garden. By following the best landscaping tips and advice from this article you will be well on your way to enjoying the fruits, and vegetables, of your labor.
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Tags: possibilities, money, shopping, plants, challenges, rain, nuances, seeds, texture, leaves, chemicals, footprints, creative outlet, fresh produce