Best golf learning tips

By: Beaulester | Posted: 25th July 2012

Amazing Golf Tips And Tricks That The Pros Recommend

Golf is supposed to be a relaxing game. So why are your experiences at the golf course or the driving range so frustrating? If you're not able to relax and enjoy yourself as you play golf, you may need to change the way you play your game. Here are some tips that may help.

As you drive, shoulder position and arm motion will prove critical to increasing distance and straightening out your drive. It is advisable to keep your shoulders square. In addition, as you swing, pull with both arms in order to flatten your club's downward arc. These motions allow you to bring the most momentum on the ball.

Be a respectable person if you play golf. This is a game where you find few people attempting to cheat on score cards. If you are not willing to be honest when playing, you might just find yourself banned from every local course and country club around. Golf is definitely a gentleman's game.

In order to keep a focused swing that will allow you the maximum power and control, avoid letting your dominant side's elbow to bend beyond 90 degrees during your back-swing. By over-bending your arm on the way back, you body then has to do that much more work to get it back in proper alignment for impact.

A tip for practicing difficult golf putts is to try them with your eyes closed. It's easy to get distracted from your technique when you want to watch the ball go to the hole- if you shut your eyes, it's easier to feel the pendulum effect and the movement of your shoulders.

Improve your short game by visiting some three-par golf courses in your area. Many golfers are too focused on taking that long perfect drive off the tee and neglect to put enough effort into improving their short game. Three-par golf courses can be even more challenging than regular golf courses. If you don't make it onto the putting green with your drive, then you either have to chip the ball in for a birdie or make your putt on the first attempt in order to make par. Improving your short game can drastically reduce your handicap.

In order to eliminate your overpowering dominant hand from taking over your short game shots and causing poor results, consider adjusting your grip. Instead of using a traditional baseball or one finger overlap, a grip that involves overlapping several of your fingers from each hand will give you much more stability for these touchy finesse shots.

Take the time to read up on golf course etiquette before hitting the course. Simple gaffes like moving while someone is putting or hitting out of turn can lead to mistakes by your playing partners or others out on the course. Learn the basics of etiquette and avoid causing frustration during your next round.

A helpful tip when it comes to golf is to never throw your clubs. This is important not only because of the distraction you may cause for other players and the lack of sportsmanship you will display, but also because you run the risk of damaging the grip, head or shaft of your clubs.

It's a good idea to wear a hat when you play golf to keep the sun out of your eyes. It is permissible to wear a baseball style cap, but it cannot have any kind of risque saying or message imprinted upon it. For tournaments or a formal game with an important person, you may wear a straw hat.

One easy way to help get your shots on a straighter path is to use the buttons on your golf shirt as a guide. Before you swing, make sure your buttons are in a straight line perpendicular with your ball. Then, if you want to shape a swing you can adjust your buttons to point forward for a fade or backward for a draw.

As your golf skill improves, you may find that you continually make your stance wider. While this will improve stability and power, it also tends to increase lateral movement. A good drill to counteract this is to stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, and imagine lines outside your heels. Try to swing without touching these lines to improve your technique.

When you are playing the game of golf, try to wear attire that is loose and fit. This will allow you to stay as comfortable as possible, so that your swing is very fluid and powerful. Wear cotton clothing that is not too heavy for optimal results on the course.

When you choose golf shoes, pay attention to detail. For example, have a good look at the laces and the holes they go through. Are they little skinny laces with very small holes to lace through? If so, you may have trouble with them coming untied when you walk, and you may not be able to replace them with something more substantial because of the small lace holes. Be sure to choose golf shoes with laces that will tie well, stay tied, and have holes that will accommodate sturdy, thick laces.

Develop a routine that is unique to you every time you hit the golf ball. This might be aligning your club with the ball a few times or taking a couple of practice swings to the side. This will help you stay focused on hitting the ball with the proper force and speed that you desire.

In order to improve your overall score, focus on building in a cushion of extra shots during the easier holes. This will reduce your stress level. Use those later, more difficult holes as a chance to improve, instead of needing to meet a certain goal the first time you play them.

When you finish a game of golf, you should feel refreshed, not stressed or irritated. The advice in this article will help make golf feel like the relaxing sport it should be. The next time you head out to play, use our tips, take a deep breath, and be sure to enjoy yourself.
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Tags: motions, short game, driving range, golfers, elbow, maximum power, back swing, golf tips, golf courses, birdie, putting green, proper alignment, score cards