learn how to catch fish easily

By: Beaulester | Posted: 25th July 2012

A Beginners Guide To Salt Water Fishing

Fishing can be a great way to get out and enjoy nature, but you still want to be able to catch those fish! Fishing is an art form and you have to be able to know how to get those fish to bite your hook. Here are some wonderful fishing tips that will help you to catch more fish.

Make sure that you are dressing properly when you go fishing. Wearing boots is crucial. Because you will probably be near or in the water at some point, you need boots so that you do not ruin your shoes. In addition, you should ensure you are wearing lots of layers because the weather can change until the afternoon. By dressing properly, you can prevent having to cut your fishing trip short.

Use a dental pick to deal with baitcaster backlash. Everyone who fishes will experience the dreaded "birds nest" of tangled fishing line at some point. Keep a dental pick handy to help untangle your line without cutting it. Get a travel-sized dental pick with a cap on it, and carry it with you in your pocket.

If you're planning a fishing trip, don't forget to get your license first. A fishing license is required in almost every location and if you do not have it, you could face steep fines and penalties. You can usually purchase the license on the spot at a local bait and tackle shop.

If you are going to be using live bait to go fishing, be sure your bait is not kept in the sun for too long. Most fish prefer bait that is cooler, rather than warmer. Have the bait kept in an insulated container until you are ready to use it.

Learn how to read your line. You need to be sure to always pay attention to your line and how it moves. Sometimes a fish is simply curious and sometimes a fish is actually biting. It is important to know the differences in the movement in your line so you can hook the perfect fish.

When fly fishing, do not pull back too far on the backcast. If you go back too far and hit the water behind you, all the fish in the area could scatter. As you bring the rod back, stop at the 1 o'clock position. This helps the line straighten out. When you start your forward cast you will have much better control over where it lands.

Even though catching fish may be your top priority, you should do all you can to protect yourself from the sun. Apply sunscreen throughout the day, and wear a comfortable hat with a brim. It may take a little time out of your day, but it's worth it to protect yourself from the sun's harmful rays.

One thing that all fisherman should understand is that fish typically like to remain by some sort of cover. This can be an undercut bank, or a large under water rock, or anything else that provides some sort of shelter. Look to aim your casts towards any cover to increase your chances of catching fish.

Always be safe when you go fishing. People have been seriously injured by fishing and not using the proper safety equipment. A good solid pair of gloves to handle the fish, proper clothing, weather conditions, and the conditions of your fishing equipment are all things that need to be considered for a safe and productive trip.

Sun block is one of the most important products to apply before you go into the water. When fishing, the sun will constantly beam on your skin, producing harmful rays that can cause redness and burns. Always apply a layer of sun block before your trip and halfway during your trip for maximum safety.

If you're hoping to catch bass, look for the coolest water in your area. Rocks and humps are the ideal place to find cool patches. Bass naturally gravitate towards cool parts of the water, and you'll have much better luck catching them if you do the same. You may want to carry a water thermometer with you as you go.

You should learn the way water temperature affects the movement of fish. Generally speaking, fish will swim deeper when the water is cold. During seasons when the temperature fluctuates during the day (fall & spring), fish will rise as the temperature does. Adjust your casting as the day warms up and aim shallower.

You will be more successful if you go fishing at the right time of day. Wait until the late afternoon, once the water is warm: this is when fishes are looking for food. The weather and the season influence the best time of day to fish, but you should always wait until the water warms up.

Take a set of paddles with you on your fishing trip, especially if you are using a boat that is old. Sometimes, your boat may break down, in which case you will need to manually paddle back to land. Paddles can help save you from a disaster in the event of an accident.

When you fish from a shore or bank, it is very important to select a good spot that offers plenty of space for casting. Pick your spot with an awareness of the total size of your party and the casting styles you are going to employ. An enclosed fishing spot can lead to irritating hassles like tangled lines.

Weather conditions play a big role in how enjoyable your fishing trip is. It is a good idea to bring along a radio or smart phone, so that you can keep tabs on the weather forecast during your trip. Do not be afraid to cut your trip short if inclement weather is on the way.

Catching fish is the name of the game when it comes to fishing. Even if you are just enjoying the outdoors, you still hope, in the back of your mind, that you catch a fish or two. Use the tips outlined in this article, and you will start to see results in the form of fish on your line.
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Tags: backlash, shoes, hook, art form, fly, sun, weather, boots, fish, fishing trip, fly fishing, fishing line, live bait