The Real Truth About Anti Aging Products - What Skin-Care Companies Don't Want Anyone To Know

By: Kalpana Rajagopalan | Posted: 18th April 2012

Let's face the facts; we know what anti aging creams are, but exactly how many consumers are aware of the realistic truth behind all the creams and lotions we see on grocery store shelves? When asked such a question, lots of individuals claim they do not ever use any skin care products which are tested on animals, and that's to be celebrated, but then again, cosmetic producers stopped testing their products on animals many years ago already. They had absolutely no option mainly because the animal rights movement had gained too much impetus. Through some weird twist of fate, skin-care products are currently being tested on those same people who were once campaigning for animal rights.

Is the above account just another attempt at frightening consumers into selecting a certain product, or maybe a specific brand name? Absolutely not!

Until you conduct a great amount of research, there is no realistic way of knowing what you're actually putting on your skin whenever you make use of your age defying anti wrinkle cream. Admittedly, you can always read through the list of ingredients, but do you know exactly what all those listed ingredients are? Plenty of people see reference to collagen and they're satisfied, considering that we are all aware how necessary collagen is when it comes to having young-looking skin. What the suppliers don't talk about though, is the undeniable fact that collagen can not permeate skin deep enough to be of any use.

We are all likewise mindful of the huge benefits connected with vitamin E, and so they look for reference to it on the packaging before they purchase their anti wrinkle creams. Again, many brand name manufacturers don't talk about what kind of vitamin E has been included, taking into account that several types of it are actually totally worthless.

Depending where about in the world someone lives, they could oftentimes find mention of DEA, MEA, or TEA when going through the list of ingredients on anti aging products. These substances are actually linked to numerous medical troubles, like cancer. So robust is the proof, that several European countries don't let them be used in cosmetics at all.

One other prevalent ingredient in anti aging products is Phenol Carbolic Acid, even though studies have shown it may cause convulsions, paralysis, and circulatory failure. In a worst case scenario, even coma or death may occur because of total respiratory failure.

Anyone who does even a minimal amount of investigation with regards to the most commonly used ingredients, will immediately fully grasp they cannot possibly be good for skin. As expected there are a lot of anti-aging lotions on the market which successfully reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles, and they often do this within minutes, although the results are always temporary. Most of these lotions and creams consist of ingredients which irritate the skin enough to cause a small amount of swelling, which in turn is what covers the lines and wrinkles.

While we will not be equipped to end aging, we can certainly slow it down, but certainly not if we're always harming our skin with a number of very harsh chemical compounds. The only way to acquire long-lasting results is to use lotions and creams which are 100% free of chemical substances, except in cases where you may have your mind set on cosmetic treatments like chemical peels or even expensive surgery.


If perhaps you'd like to find out more on age defying anti wrinkle cream, and exactly what all a superb skin cream will do for you, please see my website at By Kalpana Rajagopalan
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Tags: brand name, consumers, impetus, skin care, producers, lotions, vitamin e, anti aging products, collagen, skin care products, anti aging creams, undeniable fact, wrinkle cream, wrinkle creams, dea