A Quick Overview Of Video Conferencing And Its Guidelines

By: MichaelKors | Posted: 22nd March 2012

Video conferencing is transforming the way people communicate with each other for personal or professional purpose. It makes way for real time meeting across the world, making communication and collaboration easier for individuals and business organizations. Videoconferencing system is a reliable form for interaction with significant advantages. Today, video conference company is playing an active role in giving us an easy access to this powerful communication tool, assuring to transform our domestic or business activity by ensuring us increased productivity and functionality in personal or professional front.

What Are The Common Advantages Of Video Conferencing Solution?

1.It permits multiple users to get connected to a conference call which is taking place far away from each of them.
2.Through videoconferencing solution, people can now have face-to-face meeting with their family members, business associates, clients or colleagues without leaving their home or office.
3.Video conferencing works best for emergency business meetings where urgent matters need to be discussed and crucial decisions need to be taken in a timely manner.
4.It gives users a virtual feel with a combination of video and audio in the conference call.
5.A video conference company offers a variety of conferencing solutions with an assurance to save our resources, time and money on travel. It maintains the call quality throughout and allows us to make the most of it by extending our contact and enjoying a better standard of life.

Essential Components For Video Conferencing

It requires five essential components including a microphone, camera, monitor, codec and speaker for starting a video conferencing call. The microphone and camera help capture the sound and image at source and destination. The codec converts the audio and video into digital signal and compresses prior to sending it out over the network. Another codec is required at the destination to decompress the digital signal and fetch the sound to loud speaker and image to a monitor. Though the process is a bit complicated but it remains obscure to the users all the time. What the user need to do is to dial up the number and click on connect button to start making videoconferencing call.

Basic Guidelines For Quality Video Conferencing

1.Once started with videoconferencing, you need to test video/audio. If you report any kind of problem then feel free to inform the video conference company over phone. Make sure that the testing is done an hour before the beginning of the call session to avoid losing time to fix the technical problem.
2.The microphone should be on mute when nobody is talking from your side in a video conference call, even though you are connected to it.
3.The audio level should be such that the host can be audible just like he or she is in close vicinity. This will save you time in asking the host repeatedly for being louder.
4.If it is a multipoint video conferencing, all the users should not speak simultaneously rather they can talk by turn to avoid audio problem or communication disturbance.
5.Preset the position of camera, avoid touching the microphone and too much movement during the videoconferencing to ensure least impact on the video quality at the receiving end.

All these above given tips will help you run real time meetings in an uninterrupted manner. For all those users who are new to video call, these will serve as invaluable guidelines. If you have already used videoconferencing, then keep on using these tips as reference.

Michael Kors has been able to extend his business outreach with the help of video conferencing solutions. He is never charged in excess by his video conference company but has got quality conference call service every time.
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Tags: time and money, communication tool, business organizations, business activity, business associates, conference call, timely manner, business meetings, digital signal, video conferencing, video conference, multiple users, professional front, crucial decisions, codec, professional purpose