[TITLE]Musashi Hair Cutting Scissors - The Perfect shears for any Hairstylist

By: philip m | Posted: 20th March 2012

If we are only starting as a hair stylist you need to select the number one hair cutting scissors you are able to afford. These shears are the most crucial tools for every hair fashion. The top style of hair scissors are called Japanese style shears.

Within this general grouping of Japanese design shears there are several different hair scissors designs available to employ with create your specific haircutting style.

If you are looking to create a perfect hair design, then we need to choose the finest hair cutting scissors. These are the most crucial hair cutting tools for the stylist.

There are absolutely just 3 types of hair scissors available. There are: General purpose styling shears; Dry finish styling shears and Texturizers. The variations are all in the blade shape. General purpose styling shears usually have a convex edge for a cleaner sharper cut plus an 800mm radius (a slight curve with the blade from hilt to tip). Dry finish shears are made with all the same convex edge yet have a sharper radius generally 700mm, this helps hold the dry hair in still while you're cutting plus enables us to slide cut dry hair without grabbing or pulling your clients hair. The third sort of shear is a texturizer, these are equally called thinning shears or blending scissors. These are designed with 1 side a blade and with the opposing blade just teeth.

The other choices stylists have are the shape of the handle plus the length of the blade.

The handle designs fall into approximately 5 different standard categories. These are called: straight, semi-offset, offset, ergonomic plus thumb swivels. In general Diamond Rose Shears produces all of these different designs in a wide variety of lengths.

A general purpose styling shear is typicallyselected for use on wet hair, although they can be used on dry hair they work best on wet hair. At the same time a dry finish styling shear may tend to push the hair away whenever blunt cutting wet hair. So keep this in your mind.

Texturizers come with different tooth counts. A chunker can have fewer than 20 teeth on its tooth blade, a medium texturizer usually will have 30-35 teeth whilst a fine blending texturizer can have more than 40 teeth.

Once you learn what you're going to utilize to create the styles we want the next choice has to do with all the handle design.

Of all the possible handle designs we most often suggest a multi-axis thumb swivel. Musashi shears and Diamond Rose Shears have several different designs with meet anyone's comfort level. Thumb swivels eliminate all the strain on the thumb plus wrist thought that will lead to many repetitive motion injuries.

If you can't get with a thumb swivel then we recommend that you employ an ergonomic handle. These are usually semi-offset or offset handles where the thumb hole has a twist in it to make it far more comfortable than a straight thumb hole.

Once you've chosen the sort of shear plus the handle design the next significant choice is, what length?

The length of the blade is another important decision the stylist has to create. By in large the most prevalent length of shear is 5.5 inches. But, choosing on the appropriate length depends on how you like to cut. If you a lot of point cutting then a shorter blade could be the right choice. (5-5.5 inches maybe is all we need)

If you a great deal of scissor over comb cutting (completed mostly on men) then a longer shear usually function better. A pair of scissors must not be longer than the hand. If you lay the shears inside the palm the finger holes at the heel of the hand the tips of the blades must not extend beyond the center finger.

Remember, longer shears weigh more plus have a heavier balanced feel. And the longer the shear the larger the risk you'll nick your knuckles.
Musashi Shears and Diamond Rose Shears have over 120 different styles available which may be seen on their sites.

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Tags: general purpose, hilt, dry hair, different designs, wet hair, hair stylist, perfect hair, japanese style, cutting tools, shears, hair design, top style