Fun and Healthy Lunchbox Ideas

By: Shannon Miller | Posted: 30th January 2012

Trying to come up with creative and healthy lunchbox ideas for your child to take to school can become a chore.

Kids can be very picky and aren't always willing to try something different. Our job as parents is to try and introduce them to healthy but fun foods.

Surprising kids with something different in their lunchboxes is a good way start!

Here a 10 very quick and easy ideas to get you started:

  1. Change that bread: There are many healthy alternatives when it comes to making that everyday sandwich. You can stuff a pita, use a soft tortilla for a delicious wrap or even try a freshly-baked roll.

  2. Try different sandwich fillings: Turkey, chicken and tuna are good sources of protein and you can add a little something extra like avocado or sliced apple and make lunchtime a real treat!

  3. Sandwich Shapes: Buy some cookie cutters in fun shapes and sizes. You can even theme them for holidays.

  4. Create your own snack mix: There are a variety of healthy, pre-packaged snack mixes available. But, if you really want to get creative you can make your own, gearing it towards some things that you child likes.

  5. Quesadillas: It only takes a quick minute to whip up one of these treats in the morning. Fill them with some of your child"s favorites, cut them in triangles, and pack them up.

  6. Don't forget the Veggies: Bite-sized vegetables with a little side container of dip is a good way to help your child get those vitamins and nutrients they need.

  7. Fruit and Cheese Bites: This is another great opportunity to pick some favorites and cut them into bite-sized pieces. Your kids will gobble them up!

  8. Mini-Muffins-Try a variety of flavors and they are small with lots of flavor, so the kids like to eat them

  9. Beyond Sandwiches: If your kids are just simply tired of sandwiches, try using crackers with some turkey, ham and cheese. You can even use those cookies cutters to cut the meat and cheese into fun shapes.

  10. Pack a Note- Ok, I know this tip is not an edible one! This is a great way to make your child"s day with a funny little cartoon, a favorite joke, or just to say 'I love you'... . a guaranteed way to put a smile on their face.

TIP: Take your kids shopping or include them as you make out your grocery lists and ask them for a few suggestions of some healthy things that they might enjoying having in their lunch box. Turn that boring, old lunchbox into a healthy and delicious 'fun' box!Source:
Posted In: Pregnancy & Motherhood 12/13/2011
The mission of Shannon Miller Lifestyle is to inform, educate and inspire women to lead a healthy and balanced lifestyle. Through books, DVD's motivational speaking, a weekly call-in radio show, and website.
Shannon focuses on opening the lines of communication and reminding women that it is okay to ask questions, demand answers, support each other and have fun along the way.
Shannon Miller Lifestyle is targeted to women with a focus on pregnancy and motherhood.
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Tags: crackers, flavors, shapes and sizes, lunchtime, healthy alternatives, avocado, triangles, sources of protein, cookie cutters, sized pieces