Best Ideas For making Christmas Greeting Cards at Home

By: goyalchaman | Posted: 26th January 2012

The gift is a gift to someone we care about, a way of showing our affection for this should always be thought according to the tastes of others, more than our personal. To express how important it is for us, it's nice to also write a few lines of hope: no need to be poets or writers, just write what you feel, using simple words but sincere.

Create a ticket with his own hands, Putting effort, time and thought, is itself a beautiful gift. If you want to make Tickets for the Christmas greetings, But lack ideas, here are some ideas from which to create the recycled paper and some other small contribution. Do you think that creating a 3D greeting card is difficult? Instead you are wrong; it's much easier than expected. Let's see how to do that in the picture. Take a rectangular red card and fold it in half.

Take then another smaller white card (I used one of pantyhose that is 22x16) and also folded in half, with a pencil line drawn on it parallel horizontal lines, starting from the middle, which must then be cut to form our 3D packages. I calculated and plotted 4 cm from the first line in the middle of the card, 4 cm in length. Staying on the central vertical line is dropped by 2 cm and I drew another horizontal line parallel to the preceding, this time of 8 cm. Going down an additional 3 cm horizontal line I drew another parallel of 12 cm, and finally one of the same length, dropping another 4 cm.

With a cutter I carved horizontal lines drawn two and I also carved up to create cracks in the bow of the parcels. So I bent over the three gift packs, making them stick out as if it were coming out of cardboard. Once you create the right folds, I have decorated with recycled wrapping paper (it only takes a few strips, just to give the color and increase the 3D effect. I then decorated the rest of white cardboard with a marker drawing very stylized gold and with the glitter powder (passing a little 'glue sticks, glitter pored over, he expects it to dry and glue, to blow away the excess). The white paper is then glued to the red one bigger, so you open them and get surprise gifts pop up!

More on white card embellished with a few simple moves. We start from colored paper, tissue paper and wrapping paper, paper, and possibly silver or gold, like that used for Easter eggs (jumping from one holiday to another, never throw anything away!), Or the kitchen. Draw circles of different sizes and cut, it takes patience, but it is simple. Then the card folded in half with a compass draw a circle or by using a saucer upside down or the like. With the glue stick attack the colored circles along the circumference drawn in pencil, alternating colors and overlapping the cutouts. We need to get the effect of a wreath to hang, draw and then a wire and attach a ribbon for Christmas decorated cards. Inside you can write what you want.

Change form, we pass to a nice little tree greeting card. Take the foil rectangular folded in two and, since it is "slippery" and does not keep the crease, stop all 4 sides with scotch tape. Draw the shape along the fold of a Christmas tree in half, and then cut with scissors. Once done remove the tape and we have a whole tree. Consider then a green rectangular cardboard slightly larger than the tree, always in the middle fold and glue with glue stick on the card golden card. Then we decorate our tree to give a little 'color, here I used confetti of paper and velvety, but you can also apply buttons, beads, glitter or whatever you like.

We return to the simple rectangular cardboard and fold in half. On a wrapping paper with Christmas motifs circle and draw a fold, then the form is shown on the card. Then draw stripes wave, we're going to cut, dividing our ball three. Recompose hours divided pasting the ball on the card, helping along the outline drawn first. You can then let the waves carved white, contrasting colors, or embellish them with glitter. Draw a wire to hang our ball or pasting a ribbon or a strip of paper.

Simple, but effective, you can start from these basic ideas and decorate your own business with what you like, from the glitter sequins, feathers from the buttons, stones from the sand.

Get back to send christmas cards with 123christmascelebration and lot more about christmas night lights and much more about adults christmas party games to make your event sizzling.
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Tags: cracks, vertical line, affection, horizontal lines, marker, recycled paper, wrapping paper, greeting card, cardboard, poets, parcels, 3d effect, glue sticks, horizontal line