How to Use a Telephone Book to Find Family Addresses

By: Leah WIlliams | Posted: 23rd January 2012

A lot of tutorials say that finding people on the Internet is easy. But the question is just how easy that would be from a realistic perspective. Considering what knowledge common people have about the Internet, and most of their impressions about it, the safe answer is that using telephone book directories online should be somewhat difficult. As the user gets more versed about the simple workings of the Internet, it would then become somewhat easier to find a postcode, for example. Other tasks such as electoral roll search would involve a more comprehensive approach from the users end. Here is a quick guide on how that will make it considerably easier to use these people search services online.

The first step in everything is research. Before anyone can tap into the rich databases and pull out a persons name, as well as his contact information, the user first needs to be versed about how things works. For this particular tutorial, that involves understanding how people search services work.

These services, often loosely termed people search or people finder, uses a huge database containing a list of people. The list contains the relevant information about those people, including their profession, age, location and contact information. Keeping in mind that not all the information can be publicly displayed without infringing on some privacy laws, the user should expect only the mentioned information. There is one thing that bundles up the said information. All of the above mentioned info makes it easy to track down a person. The person's location will narrow down the search into a particular place, whereas the age and profession will help remove some ambiguity with the names. Since more than one person can live in the same location and have the same name, the other info provided should help point out the distinction.

Sorting Through the Results

The search results should include information about the family, contact numbers of the family members and, sometimes, their registered IDs, sometimes. In some cases, the user will also find the names of relatives in the related persons section, usually located under the search results. The info is usually found under miscellaneous details, which are shown when the user clicks on one of the search results.

As said before, the primary advantage lies in convenience. But it is more than that. People can easily find residential addresses, send packages, lookup contact numbers, transact online and get in touch without having to leave their own house. It works much like a localised Internet, if there is one such thing.

Free versus Subscription-based services

There are free people finder services online. There are services that are based on a monthly subscription. There are services that offer both options to people. The free option has fewer features but is made available to everyone. When the user feels like he could use better features or he does like the service, he can opt to upgrade or subscribe to a better service. The cost of subscription based services varies. In most cases, that will change depending on the population of the country or locality where the searcher lives. Other factors, such as the availability of public information, which varies according to the country, will also affect the prices.

In summary, the usage of the majority of these services is rather straightforward. The person trying to find another family members address only has to provide some information about that family. Take note that most lookup services are nationwide and have info of all residents living inside the country. After that, the user should either pick a category, if available, to create a sort of filter that will help make the search smoother.

In some cases, the telephone book service will have an advanced button, which when clicked will show a number of other extra fields that the user can fill in. Filling in more information about the specific service will further narrow down the search. To find a postcode of a family, for example, the user would have to name the family name. Depending on the search terms used, there may be more than one result, especially when doing an electoral roll search . The user should go through the results items carefully to find whoever they want to find.
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Tags: databases, distinction, impressions, people search, profession, family members, contact numbers, search services, ambiguity, privacy laws, telephone book, common people, postcode, people finder