Recycling Ideas For The Office Environment

By: Michiel Van Kets | Posted: 19th January 2012

Recycling facilities accept all kinds of products these days and have a greater ability to reclaim materials than ever before, these include glass, plastics and metals, paper and card, and the effect it has had is a positive one as the amount of materials that normally go into landfills has been drastically cut.

If every person contributes towards caring for their surroundings by the easy action of recycling, the difference in the planets carbon footprint can be significantly reduced; as waste gets re-used less rubbish is generated, and fewer natural resources are burnt up.

Making an effort to diminish our waste means there is a chance to restore and repair the environment, for those working in an office setting there are plenty of ways to reduce the amount of paper and cardboard waste which can build up considerably, even just on a daily basis, and every office should have a recycling box in place.

Businesses and organizations are amongst the main consumer's of paper based goods as it is used daily in transactions with customers, merchants and suppliers. Even if documents are particularly sensitive it isn't an issue as destruction services can eliminate the confidential information and still recycle the materials.

Here are just some of the simplest methods that can be incorporated into the daily routines of office workers and will even save you money on office supplies in the long run.

In any office you'll see signs put up on the notice board and around the walls to inform staff of meetings, memos or upcoming events for example, instead of using new paper recycle the back of used paper for information that's just for casual use, it doesn't have to be particularly formal or sent out to customers after all. Simply turn the paper over and print on the clean side, thus saving on your paper bills. Once both sides have been used up then it can be put in the office paper recycling box to be sent off. You'll be amazed at the amount of paper you can actually get through on a daily basis and staff and visitors will be impressed by your attempts at saving the earth!

Manila folders are another source of expense but they can easily be salvaged for all kinds of things, even if they have become a little bit worn. If they are to be stored in a drawer anyhow it really doesn't matter what they look like as long as they can still do their job, don't throw them away if they are slightly torn - it's easy enough to stick two together to make a whole new one! Research recycling in Australia for ideas and tips on how you can help in the area where you live.

Paper clips, tacks, and other office supplies generally arrive in small cardboard or plastic boxes, instead of dumping them once the items are finished use them on the desk for keeping small objects in like loose pins, tacks or staples and other small items that generally mess up a desk area. As well as showing how efficient you are at recycling it will also save you money on having to buy metal desktop containers for all your employees' desks. These boxes are also useful for keeping items nice and tidy in drawers as they contain everything in one place, thus preventing you from scrabbling around looking for that eraser - you know exactly where to find them when they are needed.

Even as recycling for the office gets discussed daily there are plenty of companies that still don't realize that toner cartridges can be rubbish removal once they are empty, along with your printer cartridges. Some of the larger office supply companies give out empty packages to store used cartridges in once they are finished with, return them with your next order and they'll deal with the rest. You can be assured they'll be re-used and not end up in the ever-increasingly overflowing landfills that are causing so many problems now all over the world.

Michiel Van Kets writes article for William Sharp about Veolia Environmental Services, focusing in all facets of waste management and resource recovery in Sydney, including industrial waste management and rubbish removal. Formerly known as Collex, Veolia Environmental Services has over 30 years industry experience in implementing effective, innovative and sustainable waste management and industrial services solutions. Find out about recycling for business today.
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Tags: merchants, signs, daily basis, confidential information, surroundings, natural resources, memos, metals, rubbish, office workers, planets, landfills, office supplies, plastics, upcoming events, carbon footprint