What Do You When You're on the Hunt for a Classic Film and Can't Find It Anywhere?

By: lovefortheclassics | Posted: 05th January 2012

Lots of people love action movies because things blow up in them or people go chasing madly after deadly storms or get sucked into alien vortexes never to return again to earth in the same form in which they left. Ah, but given the choice of the latest Hollywood action flick and settling down with one of those fine old Bogie classics on the television screen, they instantly opt for the latter.

Such people may or not be bona fide film buffs. Their classic film repertoire may actually consist of mainstream hits like Casablanca, Romance on the Orient Express or The Maltese Falcon. Those films remain exciting no matter how many times they have been viewed. Then there is the thrill of finding a new classic they have never seen that has finally come out into the public domain.

What Does It All Mean?

Believe it or not, there are websites out there specializing in digging out classic films that have found their way out onto the public domain (more on that in a second) and shooting them out into the public eye so that film buffs (and semi-film buffs like me) have a place to go to find the films that we haven't heard about since we were listening to the radio in our grandparents' kitchen because they didn't have a TV yet.

The neat thing about this newly resurrected power of public domain is not just that you can see these films only heard about from people living in the days of yore, but you now have the opportunity to show them to your kids so they can get to see what happened on film before the Twilight series and the latest in video games.

What Can the Classic Movies Possibly do for your Kids?

You may well ask that question given that the little darlings are poring through classic literature in their high school English classes day in, day out. Now you are supposed to force classic films down their throats as well?

Alright, so if you're interested enough in classic films to be checking this article out you probably aren't asking yourself any of those questions. Why? Because you know what it is about classic films that's so amazingly awesome. It's the fact that when they were made film makers didn't have all of the tools at their disposal that they have now. If you'll remember, early movies had neither color nor sound, much less giant walking robots. As a result, script writers, directors and actors had to work three times as hard to bring their ideas to life.

And what we got, in my personal opinion, is a product that was well worth the time it took to watch it.

So What's the Big Deal with Public Domain?

Ah, the last big feature of this whole classic film on the web thing. The fact that they're out playing in the public domain.

Public domain is the world where films go when they are either ineligible for copyright protection laws or they have outlived them. This releases them from the tight rules of distribution that apply to films that are not in the public domain thereby making them available to viewing by the public at large.

Classic films coming into the public domain? Check it out. You will be a better person for it.

In the event you liked the above post, it is easy to go and check out additional similar posts at Loving the Classics or this Loving the Classics Post.

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Tags: public domain, grandparents, video games, listening to the radio, public eye, television screen, latest hollywood, twilight series