A Terrific Way To Start Generating Revenue Online Is With An Affiliate Site

By: LauraG | Posted: 28th December 2011

A lot of people attempt to make money online only to find that it is much less easy as they think. It is possible to of course find some simple strategies that can help get you started. You could start an affiliate website as this is simple and easy and can enable you to get some good money also. One Internet site will be able to make you a little money but the key is to start creating multiple sites. Below you are going to find all the steps required in order for you to put together your affiliate sites.

To start with you don't need to learn how to create a website working with html or php. In fact you are simply going to need to create a blog. This could sound tough but it is really very simple. It is going to run you at most $10 each month for your web hosting and domain name. Then when you sign in to your c panel you will find a program called fantasico, which has the wordpress software all ready to be installed on your site. Now that you've got your wordpress build, it is time to start.

Now all you want to do is to find products to promote on your blog where you will earn a commission for each sale you make. Just one place you'll find these types of products will be though a site called Clickbank. You will discover a variety of niche products from weight reduction to tattoos that you will be able to promote. For this specific example we will choose the weight loss marketplace. You will have to find a few weight loss products that supply affiliate tools like banners to put on your site. And then collect Two or three banners from different products and services and add them to your blog. Take one of the banners you received and add it right below your header and the other 2 ought to be placed in the sidebar.

Right now we will discuss what you must do everyday. At least one time every day you will have to find one more weight loss product on Clickbank. Proceed to the product page and go over every piece of information on that page and compose a summary of the information you found there. At this point you simply post this article or summary you prepared upon your blog. Be sure to incorporate your affiliate link to the product or service so people can find the product and ideally purchase it. And for the reason that they will be utilizing your affiliate link, you will be earning a commission if they buy the product or program. It could take you a couple of hours when you first start but in time this should only take you an hour a day to perform.

Now you have got to begin to build inbound links for each post you create. One of the best and easiest ways to get this done is through the use of social networks. You simply join these web pages and place a link pointing back to your blog page. Doing this will help you in a couple of ways, 1st the various search engines love pages that have backlinks so you're going to get traffic from the search engine, but you will also be getting traffic from the social bookmarking websites.

That is it, you just created your 1st affiliate website. Now that you have one website installed and operating, start creating more sites, maybe one a week until you have enough to keep you busy and your generating the money you want to make.


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Tags: domain name, money, marketplace, different products, affiliate sites, blog, weight loss product, sidebar, affiliate website, niche products, weight loss products, internet site, weight reduction