Do You Have These Questions about Florida Uncontested Divorce?

By: Jeff Miller | Posted: 19th December 2011

Facing a divorce? If you want to get divorced quickly, easily, and without any unnecessary drama, your best bet is to try to seek a Florida uncontested divorce. Uncontested divorces are quite common, and they’re the most affordable option for couples getting divorced.

Of course, if this is your first time getting divorced, you probably have some questions. Below, you’ll find answers to some of the most common questions about Florida uncontested divorce, so you can learn what it is, why it’s beneficial, and if it’s right for you.

What is Florida uncontested divorce?

A Florida uncontested divorce is a divorce where both parties work out all of the details regarding their divorce outside of court. This means that both parties agree to get divorced, and they work together to figure out important details, such as child custody, visitation schedules, division of assets and debt, etc.

Just because you’re upset with your spouse right now doesn’t necessarily mean that you can’t get an uncontested divorce. If you both have the desire to get divorced quickly and quietly, you might be able to work together long enough to make it happen. It’s just going to require a little bit of negotiating.

The key is to not let your emotions get the better of you. Take your time. Don’t get in a hurry or make rash decisions.

Of course, Florida uncontested divorce usually isn’t the best option when things are really bad between you and your spouse or if there’s ongoing domestic violence. If you’re unable to talk with each other, you’ll probably have to go the route of contested divorce.

How long does an uncontested divorce take?

One of the biggest advantages of uncontested divorce is how quickly it can take place. You’ve probably heard horror stories of divorce cases that drag on for months and months, sometimes even years. If at all possible, you’d like to avoid that.

In most cases, uncontested divorce can be achieved in just 30 days from the date of filing. It’s fast and easy, and it allows you to get past your divorce and move on with your life.

How much does Florida uncontested divorce cost?

First, you have to pay the fees for filing for divorce in court. These court filing fees are just a shade over $400. Then, you have to consider hiring legal representation (more on that later). And of course, you have to consider the other costs of getting divorced, such as splitting up your assets, paying alimony, paying child support, etc.

All that being said, uncontested divorce is still more affordable than other types of divorces.

Do I need to hire a lawyer to handle my uncontested divorce?

You don’t have to hire a divorce lawyer, but here’s why you should. There’s a lot of work that goes into handling a divorce case. You have to prepare all the paperwork, schedule your court dates, show up in court, and manage all of the daily details of your case. You probably don’t have the time or the experience to do this on your own.

For further information about florida online divorce visit at DivorceYes.Com.
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Tags: little bit, hurry, emotions, time don, couples, horror stories, assets, best bet, child custody, drag on, domestic violence, divorce cases, rash decisions, contested divorce, uncontested divorce