There Is Legitimate Hair Replacement Being Done At The PHRC In Houston

By: Roger Design | Posted: 10th October 2011

Someone that has begun noticing that their hair is thinning is likely to begin at least considering their hair replacement options. For years, those options were extremely limited and were never very effective. Things like wigs and toupees aren't feasible for most people because they can be very restricting and as most people are aware,not look natural. There have been other products that have been marketed to those with thinning hair that promise to make a difference but have failed to deliver on that promise. Then, in the last few years, there was talk that some forms of medical hair restoration had finally developed to the point that it can really be a permanent solution.

This is what has happened at the Physician's Hair Restoration Center in Houston, Texas. Following the lead of Dr. Carlos Puig who has been working on developing a better hair replacement procedure for years, the PHRC is now offering a legitimate option for people that want to put their hair loss woes behind them. If you're balding or have thinning hair, you owe it to yourself to learn more about what's being done at the PHRC, including scheduling your free and confidential consultation.

During that consultation, you'll learn how the hair replacement done at the PHRC differs from what appears to be similar procedures done elsewhere. We'll explain the process of how we transplant hair follicles from areas of the head where they're growing thicker to the parts of the head where they have begun to thin. You'll see before and after pictures that show you just how much of a difference medical hair restoration can make to the way you look. Thousands of patients have visited the PHRC and end up looking years younger as a result of our hair replacement.

We understand that it can be difficult to have thinning hair but now we're able to help people overcome that difficulty and give them back the confidence they had when they were younger. You won't have to worry about our procedure being something that looks good from far away but closer scrutiny makes it clear you've had something done. The hair we transplant is your very own hair so it grows, acts and looks natural. Contact the PHRC today to schedule you consultation and we'll be glad to answer any questions you might have so we can get you started down the path of hair replacement.

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Tags: woes, confidence, thinning hair, hair follicles, wigs, permanent solution, hair replacement, hair loss, houston texas, replacement options