Recycling Can Be The First Step Towards Greener Living

By: WilfredMcintosh | Posted: 05th October 2011

When most people think about going green, they immediately imagine people dwelling in a camper and making their own clothes and growing their own food. Nevertheless, greener living can be attained without making such a radical shift in the way you live your life. There are still those who will take a plastic bottle or food tin and place it with their daily rubbish. The planet will be helped if you can simply take the time to keep the empty bottles and cans separate so they can be reused.

Things such as tin cans are just one part of this. I would hazard a guess that you will see more recycling possibilities if you go through your garbage more thoroughly. In terms of what can be recycled, we are going to see what else might be appropriate even if people are not fully aware of this.

To begin with, newspapers can be recycled. Probably millions of people everyday get the daily newspaper and when they are finished reading it, they just throw them away. The fact that a newspaper can be recycled is oftentimes not even thought of. The truth is that newspapers must be considered for recycling because they are produced from paper. Recycling old newspapers helps to preserve trees and it will make a huge difference if we make the effort to do this. Newspapers are just a starting point here. Recycling paper of any kind has to be considered rather than merely discarding it. Cardboard boxes can also be put in the recycle bin although in some instances this is not being done.

One more thing many people forget ti recycle is their food containers. Plastic containers such as ketchup bottles, mayonnaise containers and even pickle jars can be recycled. In some cases, these types of things are just going out with the normal trash. The fact that you can create other products from recycled items such as this makes economic sense and also earthfriendly. The air we breathe is going to be less polluted if the things that we have recycled can be reused rather than having to increase production to replace these.

In considering what else can be recycled, clothes tend to be dismissed in this respect. Clothes can be utilized for all kinds of other things. For one, there are now businesses that are taking unwanted clothing and recycling them into insulation for homes. As a consequence, old clothing is not finding its way to landfill sites and because of the cotton materials, this insulation is considered to be safe. It is worth remembering therefore that a torn shirt should not just be thrown away. There are numerous ways an old shirt can be utilized.

As for items that are recyclable, you need to appreciate that this includes metals, glass, paper and plastics. Which also means that just about everything you throw in to your garbage bin can be recycled. The impact on the environment would be significant if we all started recycling all of those things that can be used again. So if you want to start living a greener life, start recycling.
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Tags: possibilities, instances, garbage, guess, own clothes, mayonnaise, plastic containers, old newspapers, cardboard boxes, rubbish, camper, food containers, economic sense, tin cans, empty bottles