By: leslielike | Posted: 03rd October 2011

Low Carb Diets and Achieving Max Muscle
The Holy Grail to successful bodybuilding competition is losing superfluous fat, while maintaining maximum muscle, but doing it fairly quickly!

Despite the cries and constant woes heard from the general, uneducated public, bodybuilders know that losing weight is easy. Yes, maybe not as easy as gaining weight (or as much fun), but all one needs to do is just eat fewer calories than your body requires. There is a tiny problem though and that is that you will probably lose more lean muscle tissue than you will actual fat.

You may be aware that your body chooses food, muscle, and only then does your body burn fat as the last choice. Obviously once you reduce your calories below maintenance levels, your body’s choice of burning food is out of the equation. So now are you going to burn muscle or fat? Well, if you reduce calories and carbs and don’t take in sufficient amounts of protein, then you are going to burn muscle. And it’s even worse if you don’t pump some iron. Frankly, the popular low carb diets are clearly not for a bodybuilder who needs to lose fat but grow muscle! As you might now surmise, losing fat while retaining lean muscle tissue is an entirely different situation than the "I need to lose weight for the class reunion" type of fad low carb diet.

Our Holy Grain Rules For Maximum Fat Loss – Muscle Gain

1. Total caloric intake equals 10 -- 15 calories/lb. of body wt. Men below 10 percent body fat and women below 15 percent body fat should figure on ingesting 14 – 15 calories per pound of weight.

2. Focus on Active Carbohydrates. Active carbohydrates = total carbohydrate grams – grams of fiber. Your active Carbohydrates should not exceed 25 grams per meal or 75 grams per day.

3. Protein Optimization. Ingest 25-50 grams of protein per meal. While protein is the best macro-nutrient to eat, there is some point where excess may exceed elimination capacity and some nitrogen may be converted to sugar and either burned for energy at the expense of stored body fat or simply stored as excess body fat.

4. Dietary Fats Can Burn Body fat Your diet must have a greater emphasis on Omega 3 and Mono Unsaturated fats such as flaxseed, safflower and olive oil. (These are found as well in Beverly Ultra Size). Place less emphasis on saturated fats, cream and beef.

5. Carbohydrate load every 3rd then 4th day. A high carbohydrate meal every fourth day refuels muscle and liver glycogen (storage form for glucose) stores, prevents any decline in metabolism, via thyroid-3 level suppression and facilitates muscular growth by increasing uptake of amino acids. This infrequent high carbohydrate meal should drive IGF insulin-like growth factors, optimizing the anabolic effect of insulin, while minimizing its lipogenic (fat-producing) effect.

Some foods may increase a mild metabolic increasing effect, a thermogenic effect, causing your body to burn more fat. Fruits in this category include apples, blueberries, grapefruit, peaches and strawberries. Some vegetables include asparagus, broccoli, cabbage, celery, onions, radishes, spinach and tomatoes. Almost all proteins have a desirable thermogenic effect except proteins high in fat, lunchmeats, and processed proteins. Unfortunately, as well, most single species protein powders such as whey concentrates and whey isolates also do NOT have much desirable thermogenic action. It could be almost a tragedy that many bodybuilders’ fat loss efforts have been thwarted by mistakenly using a single species whey protein. Single species protein is assimilated so quickly that it is often burned as fuel inhibiting the burning of your stored body fat.

SPECIFIC FAT LOSS DIETS! So, what do we know? Well, listen -- over the past few years at Beverly our research team has formulated more than 10,000 fat loss diets for bodybuilding competitors. That’s right, over 10,000.

We have been hugely successful. If you reduce carbohydrates and calories, you must provide the proper support nutrients and proteins to lose fat without muscle. We have discovered that you can’t achieve optimum results with whole food alone.

Meal #1

A) 5 oz. lean meat (90% or leaner beef, Chicken or Turkey Breast) (98% fat-free turkey breast and chicken breast are available in 5-oz cans at the grocery) B) 6 plus egg whites with 1-2 yolks (Or, you may substitute 1 scoop Ultra Size and 1 whole egg blended in 6 – 8 oz water). c) Small grapefruit

Meal #2

A) Protein Drink: 2 or 3 scoops Ultra Size/12-18 oz water. Or, stirring Ultra Size into about 6-oz water with a fork for pudding. B) Or: 2 Scoops Muscle Provider/1 scoop 100% Egg, 16-oz water, 3 – 4 strawberries. (100% Egg has a positive effect on insulin).

Meal #3

A) 8-ounces chicken or 9 oz can tuna. B) 4-cups salad (lettuce, tomato, carrot, cucumber, green peppers, etc.) using 2-TBS Newman’s Vinegar and Oil.

Meal #4

A) 2 Scoops Muscle Provider, 1 scoop 100% Egg, 16 oz water Or: 2 – 3 scoops Ultra Size, 12 – 18 oz water.

Meal #5

A) 8-ounces lean meat (chicken, turkey, fish, lean beef, etc.) B) 2- cups vegetables (asparagus, broccoli, cauliflower, green beans, spinach or zucchini).

Meal #6

A) Now, ONLY Monday and Thursday, add a 6th meal at the end of the day: 1.5 cups oatmeal (precooked) or cooked rice, 10 oz. potato or sweet potato, 6 oz. banana, 1 cup vegetables, 1 TBS Olive Oil.

FAT BURNING: A VERY PRECISE BEVERLY SUPPLEMENT PLAN: This is an advanced supplement plan designed to work with body chemistry through three different mechanisms to enhance the utilization of stored fat for energy while preserving lean muscle tissue.

1. LEAN OUT: Lean Out is a highly advanced "fat transport system" that helps your body to utilize a greater percentage of stored fat to meet your energy needs. Left on its own in the absence of carbohydrate, even with the best diet available, your body finds it easier to break down amino acids (muscle tissue) to meet energy needs than to break down stored fat deposits. The nutrients in Lean Out make it easier for the body to utilize stored fat, thus preserving lean muscle tissue. Another advantage to using Lean Out is that it combats insulin resistance – one of the main reasons many of us store fat instead of build muscle. (1-2 Lean Out with each meal).

2. MASS AMINOS: This is the #1 Protein hydrolysate in the country. Mass Amino is derived from casein and they contribute another utilizable protein source at every meal. With the addition of Mass Amino every meal becomes a muscle building fat-burning multi species protein meal. Mass amino enhances the thermogenic effect of your food to burn fat, while optimizing the amino profile to retain and build lean muscle. (4 Mass Aminos with each meal).

3. THE SUPER PAK: This supplies all the co factors and catalysts for all your body’s metabolic processes. The array of nutrients found in these packs are like spark plugs that energize and regulate your metabolism. Keep your body tuned up and running in high gear and you will maximize fat loss. (1 pak per day).

4. ULTRA – 40: Ultra 40 liver tablets are included because on a maximum fat loss plan you need the most extreme nutrition. Ultra 40 provides you with all of the nutrients and enzymes of beef liver but with none of the fat. It is a concentrated source of B Vitamins, protein, and minerals. Ultra 40 has more going for it than any other bodybuilding supplement. You’ll notice a difference within three or four days of taking them. You’ll have more energy, more strength and a bigger pump. Don’t even think of dieting without them. (4-6 Ultra-40 per meal).

FINAL CAVEAT If you want to get the intended results of the plan above, follow all the details of the plan exactly!

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Tags: holy grail, muscle gain, losing weight, caloric intake, gaining weight, low carb diets, low carb diet, lean muscle tissue, different situation