Microsoft-Skype Deal Sends Wake Up Call To Wireless Carriers

By: Smart Mobile Wireless | Posted: 02nd October 2011

Already experiencing declines in many areas, the telecommunications industry has been scrambling to prepare for a transition as more people disconnect their home telephone lines in favor of cellphones. This reporter falls into the classification of an early adapter as I have only had a cell phone number as my primary means of contact for nearly a decade. Due to issues such as this along with declining texting as users switch to free IM platforms that offer more functionality either for free or at very low cost, wireless carriers are on the search to create new streams of revenue geared towards Wifi, broadband, and mobile applications instead of the standard minute/texting packages.

The purchase of Skype by Microsoft for 8.5 billion dollars last week sent a strong wake up call to the telecommunications industry and alerted the world at large on the value of internet based, VOIP type systems such as Skype which are threatening to usurp the stranglehold that older companies such as AT&T have held on the market for so long. Services like Skype, Viber, Oovoo, and promising upstart Smart Mouth Mobile are a definite cause for concern to the sleeping giants of telecom and mobile companies as well by offering low cost calling and messaging alternatives to those from common carriers and offering advanced features like video conferencing.

Most industry insiders and financial analysts are in agreement that Bill Gates and Company did not purchase Skype with the intent to cut the revenues of wireless carriers but instead to utilize the connectivity of Skype’s millions of users to introduce new mobile software for smartphones and tablet devices using the Skype platform. Still, Gates will have to depend upon large wireless carriers such as AT&T and Verizon to jump onboard and back the new creations from Microsoft.

In my opinion, the wakeup call is escalating to a full blown alarm as the shockingly large deal shows the value of next gen communication technology services poised to replace the antiquated telephony systems. The challenge is coming from simple texting companies like Kik and text plus that offer the ability to send messages over data networks for free, to Smart Mouth Mobile, which according to company insiders and industry analysts will shock the entire world with the uniquely combined mobile communications – social network platform they are quietly building

The tech savvy smartphone user today seeks much more from their phone than simply basic connectivity. These technophiles want the latest in cutting edge mobile communications and web technology such as video chat and conferencing like Smart Mouth Mobile offers. Wireless carriers, like their telephone and telegraph predecessors are reactive instead of proactive in their adaptation of alternative technologies and it will be their undoing as mobile communications companies like Smart Mouth Mobile are actually developing features for mobile connectivity and networking that the vast majority of the world hasn’t even began to think of.

We are seeing a glimpse into the future of the mobile web and communications technology industry as we see companies like Smart Mouth Mobile, who as an early adapter of mobile technology, has already walked through the door of the future in mobile communications and quietly is preparing to release this innovative technology to the masses very soon.

Analysts are already saying that the future of mobile services, including voice, text, and video is going to be over data networks. What they don’t realize is how close that future is with the imminent release of the Smart Mouth Mobile Application which will do all of this and more and save the user hundreds if not thousands of dollars a year in communication costs. I think you’ll agree that this mobile application from Smart Mouth Mobile is going to be one of the most exciting innovations in years and over the next few months it may become apparent that the world has never seen anything like it.
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Tags: stranglehold, bill gates, cell phone number, texting, industry insiders, skype, wireless carriers, telecommunications industry, financial analysts, mobile companies, mobile applications, new creations