Smart Mobile Wireless Explodes From Garage Band To Stadium Headliner

By: Smart Mobile Wireless | Posted: 02nd October 2011

Smart Mobile Wireless has essentially been an undercover operation for a little over a year now, quietly building a new social network and communications platform that will change the way the world communicates. This up and coming debt free communications company is made up of a tight group of independent out of the box thinkers led by a brilliant inventor who has had success across multiple fields of technology. This close knit band of creative souls stretching across multiple continents has developed the foundation for a new empire in the mobile technology world; their story is the stuff of dreams and blockbuster Hollywood movies.

I had the opportunity took spend some time with the team behind this up and coming star of the mobile wireless world and found the story behind the company so intriguing that I wanted to share it with the world. Here is a look at how it all began…

First off, before I begin telling the story of how a world changing idea was born let me say that from the moment I walked into the room to meet this unique group I was shocked, amazed, left speechless at times, and lost all prejudgments about what a "tech geek" like an app developer should look like. When I first met the core creative group which consists of three guys and a girl I thought maybe they were bodyguards or something because all of the men are taller than I am, and I am 6’3", one is closer to 7 feet tall! NOT your typical nerds by any stretch of the imagination. After I got over my initial shock I asked them how all of this came together.

I will use pseudonyms as I tell the story to keep the anonymity of the group for now, so I asked Ethan, the head of the group and a brilliant inventor, how he came up with the original idea that the Smart Mobile Wireless products and services are evolving from, here’s his explanation:

"I had been staying abroad for a few months and my cellular bills were outrageous. One month my bill was well over $2000 USD, I went into the local office for the wireless carrier and paid them $2,000, they said I must pay the rest or they would stop my service. Needless to say, that got my blood pressure up right away and made me start thinking about how I could communicate more affordably and offer the solution to the rest of the world.

I had a good working knowledge of telephony systems, VOIP, WiFi, etc and I knew that the way to introduce this new communications technology would be to make it available on smartphones from Apple, Android and Blackberry while also making it available on tablets such as the iPad, Playbook, and even the new Google Chromebooks.

So, what I did was come up with a way to use WiFi to not only allow VOIP communication for the U.S. and Canada but through the use of our proprietary system we have made it possible for users to enjoy unlimited calling to any numbers, LANDLINE or MOBILE, plus texting to any mobile as well as features like our all in one instant messaging, but I’m getting ahead of myself. We went through a lot to get to this point and the last two core members were only brought on at the end of March during which time we have created another 16 divisions in the company, and we’ve done it all using online and mobile communication across the world.

We are building a network unlike any that has ever been that will connect users on their mobile devices and make true unlimited communication across the world not only possible, but affordable. Imagine being able to talk to your friend in China who is on his Blackberry Playbook from your iPod Touch or iPhone in the United States, or being able to talk to business contacts anywhere in the world. I know it is hard to wrap your head around the concept, but it is quite simple. Using our service via WiFi, you can make unlimited calls to any landline or mobile anywhere for only $19.95 per year. That is the core of course, as we have already discussed, there are many other features.

What we are building will be the largest social networking platform on the planet yet doesn’t require the members to be on the network to be able to call through the network as Skype or the new Facebook Mobile app do. Our Social Network will include chat and message features as well as video communication functions plus a function similar to Twitter. In short, you will be able to do anything you want from within our application, you will be able to call friends anywhere on the planet, have video chats, send video voicemails and more, all from your mobile device. "

In another unconventional move, as part of their Pay It Forward program, Smart Mobile Wireless is giving FREE lifetime subscriptions to an estimated 27 million plus members of the military, law enforcement, and others. See more at

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Tags: blockbuster, nerds, local office, mobile technology, bodyguards, initial shock, technology world