From karaoke nights to BBQ sauce baths - why is it better to stay in the campsite during a music fes

By: john8gomes | Posted: 30th September 2011

Summer festivals are a huge attraction for those who love music and art. The events that are bigger attract thousands of art lovers and also the most famous artists of the world. As the events are held away from the cities, it forces the organizers are forced to prepare camping facilities for the viewers. Some people are scared of staying in the campsite; they don’t like the idea of sleeping in the tent, depending on the weather and they are afraid of being stolen from. The campsite conditions vary - the bigger festival the more facilities and more security. If these people choose to stay in a hotel, it becomes impossible for them to enjoy the festival if they decide to shun the campsite.

It is very important to prepare for the event. You probably check the festival website before you arrive there. In the website you can find a lot of things that will be useful, including those that are related to the campsite. Read it carefully and don’t ignore anything. The essentials such as clothes, sunscreens, medical aid will be required at the event. Some food preparations should also be made - check some easy barbecue recipes you could use during your stay and take most of the food with you so you don’t have to spend too much extra money there. A torch and spare batteries can also be a good idea - campsite will be full of tents and during night it might be very difficult to navigate from one place to another without seeing anything. Don’t bring valuable things like fancy gadgets or expensive clothes - don’t take anything you would mind losing.

The campsite for the event is a complete music community. People at the campsite will be from all over the world and they will have a music taste similar to yours. Since you will spend most of the day in the campsite, in front of your tent, you will surely make new friends. Making new friends will help you as it will keep you safe from thieves and while you are away, your belongings will be taken care of. The same is applicable to the musical concerts as moving in larger groups is both beneficial and also provides security.

If you are saying at the campsite, you might enjoy the company of your friends but in hotel you are alone and thus, can get bored. You can enjoy every bit of your time at the campsite as there is never ending barbeque grills and singing. If your store of bread or BBQ Recipes is over, you don’t need to worry as the culture of sharing is prominent. A large number of people at the campsite are musicians who will be singing and playing guitar all the time. The atmosphere at the camp will be once-in-lifetime experience.

You might be afraid of the bad conditions of the facilities in the campsite - especially toilets and showers. However the staff at the campsite ensures cleanliness at these places. The support-staff offers very prompt service and they clean bathrooms after every hour and the showers after every couple of hours. The number of toilets at the camp site is so large that most of them remain unused for a long time. As you can see you can miss a lot if you don’t stay in the campsite. The environment at the campsite is full of fun and as you reach the campsite you in the evenings, you will enjoy every moment of your time.
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Tags: extra money, thieves, new friends, tents, organizers, belongings, medical aid, spare batteries, art lovers, famous artists, campsite, torch, expensive clothes, food preparations