No-Till Farming: Trusted, Simplified and Proven Way Of Farming

By: Jonnie T. Allen | Posted: 26th September 2011

Most of the farmers in the world are concerned with their dropping income because of reduction in annual farming yield and increasing cost of inputs. Even many farmers have changed the profession to get better return of their money by selling their farm land. In most of cases, this farm land is not used for agriculture purposes. On the other side, governments in almost all the countries are also concerned with ever dropping agriculture yield drop. This drop is making them more depended upon other countries, which means financial loss to country. Most of the governments are encouraging the farmers to do farming by new techniques; no-till farming is one of those.

Farming in no-till farming manner is being done since centuries. However, it was done with different intentions and causes. The major reason for doing this was the non availability of resources like farming equipments, irrigation and agriculture supplements like fertilizers and pest controllers. The unfamiliarity with scientific manner of farming was another cause for doing no-till farming. It was less involving and needed less effort.

Under this method, the land in not tilled completely as is done in conventional method. It needs less use of fuel driven machineries; therefore, farmers save considerably on the fuel cost. This farming technique does not need deep tilling before harvesting; therefore, it needs less hiring of labor or machinery. According to recent research studies, no-tillage farming method needs less fertilizers and irrigation; thus reduces overall farming cost. It is being liked because of being environmental friendly. No-till farming safeguards under-soil life that is must for the healthy crops.

If the land owner is financially weak, no-tilling farming is best way to counter many challenges. If a farmer follows this method, he hardly needs to invest huge for buying heavy machinery like caterpillars. He may hire such farming services at very nominal price. This practice saves him from buying or borrowing for buying costly caterpillar parts. It is true that owing caterpillar like machinery makes many farming tasks simpler but it needs regular maintenance also that needs investment for caterpillar parts.

No-till farming needs less active involvement thus the farmers can utilize their spare time for many other supporting and suitable productive works or allied businesses. The experiences of farmers applying this method proves that is seems simplified form of farming but it needs particular attention to different practical aspects. It is simple and needs less investment but it doesn’t free the farmers from their responsibility completely.

About the Author:- Jonnie T. Allen is writing articles for slyagri, We specialize in agriculture Development by strip-till, striptill, strip tillage, strip cat, no-till farming, cover crops, cover crop farming, caterpillar parts and many more…

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Tags: money, profession, challenges, supplements, centuries, heavy machinery, safeguards, governments, caterpillars, crops, irrigation, farmers, fertilizers, fuel cost, conventional method, agriculture