Experience Internet On The Move With Broadband Dongles

By: Paulrowley | Posted: 26th September 2011

Currently dongles for laptops are very much in demand not only by the business men but also by the students and older people. Choosing a dongle is not as difficult as choosing a mobile phone as all the dongles do the same job, that is provide mobile broadband service where as you can get different handsets performing different functions. But some dongles do offer some additional features like a dongle can have an extra micro SD slot. So you can use it as a memory stick once you but a memory card into it.

As there is not much of a choice while choosing a dongles for laptop, you can concentrate on choosing one according to the two basic points. They are the network coverage in the area to which you are most likely to travel to and also the type of contract you want to sign with the broadband company. There are mainly three categories of contracts available. The long term contract can range from 12 to 24 months. But it is not much advisable to take one as cannot switch to a new service if you face any problem with the services in this contract. A monthly contract is fine to go with but they require a notice period before you plan to discontinue the service. Pay as you go is another type of contract which does what it says.

If you are going to use the internet service sparkly and inconsistently then it makes no point in paying in paying a fixed amount monthly. Hence in this contract you will be charged according to your usage only. These contracts also differ in the amount of internet download that will be allowed to your in a month. If you only check mails on the internet then you do not really need a service with a high download limit. Whereas if you have the habit of streaming videos and downloading music then a high downloading limit is very much required. Hence analyze your monthly usage carefully as you can always asked for extra usage if you want but it will be foolish to pay for extra download limit and not use it.

Hence the simple technology of a small broadband dongle picking up the signals of the mobile broadband gives you the feeling of having fully functional portable desktop. You need install the broadband software on your laptop to connect to the internet. Thus people feel connected anywhere and every where.

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Tags: habit, job, laptop, music, business men, contracts, mobile phone, laptops, broadband service, internet service, term contract, memory stick, network coverage, memory card, sparkly, notice period, simple technology, dongle