Meals on a Shoestring

By: 360 Menopause | Posted: 21st September 2011

Quick Budget Meal Ideas

Expert’s Name: Suzanne Monroe

In recent months, grocery prices have skyrocketed, right alongside gas prices. That’s because the cost of transporting food must be figured into the price. Here are some tricks to pinching pennies at the grocery store while still enjoying nutritious and delicious food:

Eat more beans – Beans are wildly economical and versatile. You can make bean salads, Cajun dishes, Indian dishes, vegetable soup, chili, Mexican bean dips, stir them into whole-grain pasta—the list goes on and on. Your family will never catch on to the fact that they’re eating beans most nights of the week. Beans are high in protein and fiber.

Vegetarian Meals – Eat more vegetarian meals than meat-based meals. This is a great time to stock up on your veggies and give yourself an extra dose of antioxidants to boost your immune system and fight free radical damage. But be sure you are still meeting your protein needs for the day. This is different for each person and the amount of protein you need in your diet can be understood when you know your body type.

Chop your veggies – Spend more time than money. In other words, cruise by the convenience foods—even those that you think are healthy. For example, buy a head of romaine lettuce and cut it yourself rather than buying prepackaged salads. A head of romaine may only cost a little more than $1, but prepackaged salads often cost at least $3.50; ditto for all fruits and vegetables, plus meat. Buy a whole chicken and cut it yourself to make it last for six meals, including making chicken stock with the bones.

Buy in bulk – This will save you money over several weeks. Sure, you might spend $20 on a bushel of apples this week, but you won’t have to buy them for three weeks. If you had spent $7 per ½ peck once a week for three weeks instead of buying the bushel, you would have spent $1 more for ½ peck less of apples.

Go local – Buy as many local foods as possible. Produce from local farmers is unbelievably cheap, incredibly tasty, and chocked full of more vitamins since it spends far less time being transported to your plate. End-of-season crops you can get right now include broccoli, cauliflower, beets, potatoes, Brussels sprouts, apples and apple cider. If you eat meat, try to find a local farmer. You’ll save money by buying in bulk, and the meat will contain no antibiotics or hormones.

Cook once, eat twice – One thing we always teach our clients is how to extend your meals. Most people have no idea what’s for dinner tonight and make something that will be eaten just at that meal. If you can plan ahead, your ingredients will go farther. A whole chicken can make up to 4 meals! First meal chicken breasts, second meal chicken stir fry, third meal chicken tacos, and fourth meal chicken soup made by boiling the remains for stock!

Don’t shop while you’re hungry -. You’ll be tempted to stray from your weekly budget with unnecessary items such as potato chips and cookies. Eat a healthy snack like a handful of almonds or a piece of fruit right before shopping.

Menopause and Stress

Maintaining balance and stress levels throughout menopause can be a challenge! For many people, money can be huge stress trigger. If you find yourself feeling anxious, angry, sad or overwhelmed when it comes to household spending try planning your grocery shopping list by using these budget friendly tips before your next supermarket trip. Make the conscious effort to be in command of the stressors that are in your ability to change. You will be eating healthier, spending less and creating balance at the same time.

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Tags: ditto, fruits and vegetables, free radical damage, gas prices, convenience foods, vegetable soup, delicious food, whole chicken, chicken stock, indian dishes, whole grain pasta