Divorce Support

By: Marinaj | Posted: 21st September 2011

MarinaJ specialises in Divorce Support and will be with you, and beside you to support you as you undergo a situation of divorce. MarinaJ enables the healing of the emotional hurt and blocks that make a person heavy post-divorce. Our Divorce support program will leave you free to create a beautiful future for you and your children, so you all THRIVE. We work regularly with women who have faced divorce and aid women of divorce to support them to transform their lives and we see tangible results quickly. The Divorce Support Coaching Program is for women who want one on one coaching, at a very affordable rate and runs for 8 weeks. Our divorce support program has been a proven program for women who want to flourish after divorce.

Divorce is for any women can be a substantial rejection and blow to a woman’s emotional equilibrium. Divorce can render a women with sleepless nights, make her feel as if lacking in support and connection, invoke feelings of rejection and a lowering of self-worth. MarinaJ’s divorce support program recognizes these struggles. Our aim is to provide holistic support to women undergoing divorce. Divorce can be complicated with many associated issues, our divorce support staff recognises the involved complexities and aim to fully guide and support a person through commonly faced problems women deal with during the divorce process.

At MarinaJ, we intricately understand the issues of divorce and the support that is required. We understand that divorce affects the family. Young children for instance are part of any divorce should the couple have children. And our divorce support services recognize that children post-divorce suffer from anxiety, loneliness, low self-esteem and sadness. In the light of divorce, they require the support of family as they experience long-lasting setbacks in interpersonal skills and academic studies. "Somewhat surprisingly, children of divorce do not experience detrimental setbacks in the pre-divorce period," noted study author Hyun Sik Kim, a doctoral candidate in the department of sociology at the University of Wisconsin-Madison. "From the divorce stage onward, however, children of divorce lag behind in math test scores and interpersonal social skills." Parents need to support and consider their children in this time.

Divorce is devastating and heartbreaking for all participants involved. Support during this challenging and arduous time is necessary. Our trained divorce support service team will do all in our capacity to support you in this time of need. Separation and divorce can be the hardest and most challenging time for a woman and her family, our divorce support team will seek to guide and provide for healing during the divorce process.

Women during the process of divorce, also require support and a listening ear, often because they are experiencing guilt, depression and confusion. One undergoing divorce also faces the challenges of feeling lonely, loss of love and the threat of never again being married, with these aspects, the need for support to ensure that the person going through divorce, comes to full emotional wellbeing is imperative.

At the end of the day, the MarinaJ divorce support staff are divorce support speacilists and want to do everything we can to see you come to you full and radiant you once again. Life doesn’t just have to stop after divorce, with the right support and guidance; life can blossom and be everything that you wanted it to be. The crisis of divorce, with the right support, can be your greatest opportunity. For more divorce support advise, please don’t hesitate to contact us. Visit our site for more divorce support details and contact details at www.marinaj.net.

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Tags: support staff, aim, tangible results, setbacks, sleepless nights, feelings, anxiety, rejection, interpersonal skills, low self esteem, sadness, loneliness, complexities