For Healthy Life Always Taking Good care of Your Bones

By: ronny wallace | Posted: 14th September 2011

Many women are so concerned about keeping your skin in top condition, actively fighting all the lines shown on his face, as well as numerous other external problems as they age. But do you know that among the most important things you can take care of something that can not even see?

Our bones are the basic structure of our body, and like it or not, as we age, our physical ability tends to weaken. This is a natural consequence of aging, and that means we have to take good care of our bones if you want to still be able to do things like belly dancing all the way into their golden years!

There are basic things you need to know about your bones in order to take good care of them:

1. The bones stop growing when a person reaches 30 years of age, bone density tends to fade gradually after that time. This decrease in bone density is the biggest culprit of the condition of the bones known as osteoporosis, which literally means porous bones. As usually happens subtly, this condition is known as the silent murderer, usually characterized by low bone mass and a continuous deterioration of bone tissue. One patient only knows that it has become a fracture occurs. In addition, bone mass, once lost, is difficult to replace, which means that the best way to combat osteoporosis is to prevent right at the beginning. Stop your progress

is much more difficult.

2. The best way to fight osteoporosis is to have good bone health from the beginning. HRT usually comes from having a balanced diet and adequate exercise. The diet should be full of nutrients such as vitamins C, K and D along with calcium, while a regular exercise program that includes weight training is known to work well. This means that prevention mode before reaching the age of 30 years, should have built the strongest possible bone mass.

3. If you are over 30 years of age, all is not lost. This is because, in addition to building strong bones in the first 30 years of life, it is still possible to limit

the amount of bone loss after that time. This can be done by getting enough calcium in your daily diet. Calcium is known to help greatly in preventing the loss of much

of the bone mass in adulthood. If you want to be sure, take calcium supplements will be useful to increase the lack of calcium in the meals, especially if you have

dietary restrictions. It should also continue regular exercise, with an additional dose of weight lifting exercises as they approach menopause.

In any case, if you feel sufficiently prepared to deal with middle age, with current bone density, please discuss your concerns with your doctor. He or she will be

able to guide, particularly in terms of calcium supplements and suggested exercise routines that can best suit your lifestyle and needs. Rest well knowing that there

are many things you can do to improve your bone health at any stage you are in!

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Tags: important things, nutrients, culprit, exercise program, balanced diet, physical ability, bone density, fracture, bone loss, bone health, deterioration, weight training, murderer, osteoporosis, bone tissue, bone mass