
By: andrew | Posted: 09th September 2011

Printing is normally a process use today and in some cases called block printing. It for reproducing an image or text on paper or indeed on canvas. Printing is often a process that is based on a large scale industrial basis and is used in publishing and transaction printing.

Cylinder seal was developed in the 3500 BC and other types of stamp seals to. Its really amazing to see that the first type of printing was back in the year 220 AD which is when china developed there printing techniques.

So to see that printing has come such a long way it is really wonderful to see all the different types of printing you can get today one of my very favourite type is canvas printing because is really does show you how far you can come from just a few ideas and a bit of passion.

The earliest woodblock print we have is silk printed flowers which originated from china. Now just so you know that by the 9th century printing on paper was the new thing and was becoming a phenomenon very quickly, even by the 10th century a skilled printer could print up to 2,000 double page sheets a day. This was brilliant for the world of printing as it helps us not only develop of knowledge but also was a good way to organize all the information that needs to be kept on everyday life and research.

After china became cloth printing which was established in the Middle East. It was the roman Egypt that brought their beautiful artistic images printed on cloth which was mainly for religious purposes and was normally very large to. It was when paper came around which was when printing little images like cards on printed paper was an exciting time to for the Romans.

Another print type subject would be the moving type which was to come next. Using movable types of metal was a big jump, and evolutional was what this meant for printers everywhere because it made the job allot easier and more economical to and of course it brought allot better quality to there work

Now coming back to the present day which bring us to the wonders of canvas printing and it really does make you think of how far we have came in our civilisation and to be able to produce such wonderful canvas prints and works of art I think we really do have a technology to be very proud of and something that will go on to live through our history for years and years to come. And this also brings you to art canvas prints and also photo canvas prints too. It’s really a good thing to express your feelings through art and printing is a really good way of doing just that and it is printing that has gave us the ability to be able to keep our memories alive which will last a lifetime
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Tags: phenomenon, present day, printers, everyday life, silk, printing techniques, religious purposes, romans, canvas printing, printed paper