Lesser Known Things About Mobile Batteries

By: jeffhardy | Posted: 31st August 2011

As far as possible, prefer to use batteries packaged with phones. If replacement is required then, go for original ones only with specified capacity such as 1500mah battery, 1000mah battery, 1600mah battery. Batteries are very important component of any mobile phones, it deserves attention while buying and maintenance too.

The most important innovation of the 20th century is the mobile phone. This technical advancement has really changed the lives of the people all over the world in no time. Today, mobile phones have reached in every corner of the world and being used by people of all age groups, economical conditions or race. It has the capability of keeping all the people in touch or in contact with each other. This is the great achievement in the field of communication. Even if the mobiles are used very commonly, lesser is known about the batteries used in the mobile phones. In this article, lets take a look at the various types and capacities of the batteries available in the market.

There are, literally countless number of mobile models available in the market. Each model has got different technical specification and different size of batteries. Generally, the capacities of the batteries used in mobile phones are measured in the unit of mah which stands for mini amperes. Various capacities of mobile batteries such as 1500mah battery, 1000mah battery, 1600mah battery are used in different mobiles.

Generally like every other battery, mobile battery also has one cathode and anode along with one electrolyte. The cathode is made up from a strip of metal oxide. Electrolyte is the medium which is used as a conductive material. There are various types of materials used in batteries like alkaline, lead acid, lithium dioxide, nickel metal and nickel cadmium. Some of these types of batteries are rechargeable. Among the above stated types of batteries, lithium ion batteries are commonly used for mobile phones. Lithium ion batteries are much lighter in weight due to this the overall weight of the mobile is reduced to much extent. These are preferred over NiMH batteries as these are highly dense and can carry more charge. Lithium batteries were first introduced by Sony Corporation in the year of 1991. Since then there is a constant upgrade in the quality and weight of this battery. The new technology is thus helping to considerably reduce the size and weight of the batteries along with adding more power like 1500mah battery, 1000mah battery, 1600mah battery to it.

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The Author is a professional writer, presently writing for cheap android mobile accessories and case for htc desire s.
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Tags: time today, capability, mobile phones, lithium ion batteries, age groups, lithium, countless number, 20th century, nickel cadmium, electrolyte, mobile models, technical advancement