Low cost & easy operation makes mass sms ideal for new businesses and sms providers

By: mainhoonseo@gmail.com | Posted: 23rd August 2011

Mobiles have become most successful electronic device till date. Almost every person uses mobile to communicate or to send messages. Means mobile serves verbal and written communication needs. Short messaging service or popularly known as sms is a text message service provided by all telecommunication service providers to send text messages between mobiles and landlines. Although the initial face of message sending faced slow growth but now sending messages is a habit to most of mobiles users. Sms service is so popular that now today you do not even need any mobile to send messages. Online sms providers enable users to send messages using their websites.

Businesses have always been keen to know new information and entertainment channels which can provide them exposure to their prospect customers. Mass sms is such a unique way to promote businesses through mobile media. Mass text messaging Is a process which targets thousands of prospective customers by sending promotional text messages. Number of sms providers is quite high in our country also. Text messaging service providers use text messaging software to push thousands of messages within a very short span of time.

Mass text messaging is proven to be the best when it comes to cost of business promotion. Newly launched or relatively small businesses use mass text messaging without spending significant amount on other promotional media. Mass text messaging is normally takes place by using a sms gateway. Sms gateway of mass text messaging is the access point to users over telecommunication service provider's network to send mass sms. Telecommunication service providers offer very economic prices for mass text messaging as quantity used in mass sms is normally very high and mass sms packs comes according to the message capacity. Higher the numbers of messages in a mass sms pack lower will be the price per sms.

To start your own campaign for mass sms you require a small setup which includes sms api, sms software and sms gateway. Many sms providers offer high quality mass text messaging service at a very competitive price. Text messaging provider have large amount of mobile number data and by using various logical filters this data can be mined for desired customer profile. For example you need to target only female customers for selling a beauty product then by using gender filter mobile numbers of female can be separated from male.

Before assigning your mass text messaging campaign to any local text messaging provider it is essential to check on certain quality parameters to ensure effectiveness of your mass sms campaign. To not get attracted towards any sms providers offering exceptionally economic prices for your mass sms campaign as mass sms process is already very economic and runs under high business competition any such mass sms provider can be a fraud also. Rather do a market survey sitting on your system and get a idea of what is going on in the market. Do not forget to ask for hidden costs or any extra cost that is not disclosed to you as many companies do not include account setup charges in their display cost. Ask about the type of software they use to send messages and ask for their clients and positive effects over their business because of mass sms campaign.

The sms gateway receives messages from your SMS software application and translates it into whichever ‘protocol’ your recipients’ carrier uses. Different mass sms have differing capabilities, it’s important to be clear about the type of you need.
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Tags: text messages, sending messages, prospective customers, business promotion, text messaging, mobile media, short messaging service, electronic device, landlines, access point, sms gateway, entertainment channels