Family Meal Planner Tips for the Vacation

By: JamesAnderson | Posted: 27th July 2011

Some of us could not afford to spend a lot of money on food during the vacation. On the other hand, we also don't want to spend too much time in the kitchen. So, you have to be ready with a plan that maximizes fun and minimizes the expenses and the time spent in the kitchen. Here are our Family meal planner tips for the vacation:

Plan the duration of the vacation: You must have a clear idea about the duration of the vacation. You can cook different meals each day, if you are going away for less than a week. You may find it easier to repeat your meals if it is going to be longer than a week.

Know about the kitchen in your vacation rental: Before planning the menu, make sure about the kitchen equipment available at your vacation rental. Inquire whether they have things like gas grill, sharp knives or steamer. It will help you avoid “surprises” at your happy family vacation.

Start the preparation at home: You can minimize your time in the kitchen of the vacation rental by partially preparing your meals at home. There is an additional benefit - you can shop at your familiar grocery store to prepare it. But, if you are planning to shop at your destination, please do some research on what kind of grocery stores are available there.

Plan for quick and easy first meal: After traveling for hours, arriving at the vacation rental would be the moment of great excitement for your family. Everyone would be busy unpacking and settling in. But, after that initial excitement they would look for something to eat. To avoid hunger-induced start to the vacation, you must be ready with a plan for a quick first meal.

Decide how many meals you want to cook: In your vacation, it is hard to cook all your meals. You may like to cook some of the meals and you may want to eat out for others. That is fine, but you should have a clear idea about how many meals you are going to cook. If you have young kids with you, it is better for you to eat out for lunch instead of dinner. Generally lunch meals are less expensive.

Leave room in your schedule to eat out: Before leaving for the vacation, you might have done a research online and read books to find a good restaurant that is not outrageously expensive. However, it is often helpful to ask locals where the best restaurants are located. They know about those fabulous but, economical places that sometimes aren't found in the travel guides.

Plan your diet: Don't miss out on enjoying the local cuisine just because you are on diet. You can burn those extra calories by extending the duration of your routine exercise. Eating a little less before the vacation might also help you to deal with it.

On the vacation, you can make your dining a healthy and enjoyable experience just by planning ahead. Bon voyage and Bon appétit!

How Does She Do It offers Family Meal Planner. This Weekly Menu Planner helps make meal plans for stress free life.
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Tags: money, benefit, hunger, lunch, surprises, duration, grocery stores, grocery store, steamer, family vacation, young kids, knives, happy family, gas grill, kitchen equipment, vacation rental