Self Defense and Community Crime Rates

By: Jerry Wilkins | Posted: 18th July 2011

We are all aware that the United States has a serious crime problem. Most think the way to deal with unbridled crime is to allow the police to deal with this epidemic. Non violent persons had no problem carrying some kind of non lethal self defense products. Others believe that ownership of firearms by law abiding citizens will reduce the violent crime rate. Of course arming citizens does not sit well with Law Enforcement Agencies..They are concerned that this would only aggravate an already bad situation. Just imagine what would happen if two strangers got involved in a physical confrontation and they both were carrying a handgun. We can only imagine that it could easily escalate into a gun fight.

A friend of mine who carries not lethal self defense weapons and lives in a large city with a high crime rate stated. "Every time I leave my apartment, I fear for my life". You may not feel that helpless, but I am sure that the realization that you could become a victim has crossed your mind. My mother frequently commented when she was much younger when there was a murder anywhere in the city the community was shocked and appalled. Murders only occurred on a very small scale, and murderers were viewed as monsters. Today we are so used to hearing of homicides and other violent crimes we have become desensitized. In some major cities murders exceed three hundred a year.

I grew up in Baltimore City, and I was exposed to crime and violence at a very young age. I thought all cities had the same crime problems until I did a stint in the army. Traveling around the country while in the military, I discovered peaceful crime free communities where people actually spoke to you when they walked by. In Baltimore City if a stranger acknowledges you, they usually want something. Self defense and crime were my last concern. After military service, I spent eleven years on the Baltimore City Police Department. I saw more carnage and death as a police officer than I experienced in a year of combat. I finally left the police Department and now live in small town around 60 miles from the city.

I finally moved away from an environment of noise, trash in the streets and in some area rats as big as cats. I live in a quiet clean and friendly community. Although the crime rate is nowhere near the scale of Baltimore City, recently a number of brutal rapes and murders have occurred. I notice especially at night people seem apprehensive and very cautious. Rarely do you see women walking alone or approaching strangers making casual conversations. Several of my friends have obtained weapons for their self defense. There is a lesson for all honest, hard working, law abiding citizens out there. You may have always lived in a low crime rate area, or you may have recently moved to one. Crime is everywhere and self defense should always be your concernAbout the Author
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Tags: violent crimes, law enforcement agencies, eleven years, high crime, bad situation, handgun