The Efficacy of Sanskrit Names

By: Greame | Posted: 01st July 2011

Names speak of the personality of every individual. The role of names in the life of a person cannot be underestimated. More than being an unique mark of identification to refer a person, names do a lot more by speaking something about the person and bestowing good luck on the individual. Most ancient traditions believed that names bring prosperity and long life to an individual. Especially, there are a number of good reasons why Sanskrit names are a good choice for naming children.

Sanskrit is a mystical language. This classical language of the Indian subcontinent is bountiful in content, elegant in charm and rich and deep in meaning. Sanskrit is the language of the Vedas, the ancient sacred texts of India. The sound of this language is endowed with a magical power that will captivate the listeners. If you are looking forward to name your son or daughter with a special name, then you need not look farther than choosing an appropriate Sanskrit name.

The ritualistic tradition of India has heavily depended on Sanskrit language for the fund of mantras or verses composed for various religious worships and performances. The very sound of Sanskrit words are said to possess positive vibrations that will invoke miraculous benefits. Though more than two dozens of languages are spoken across the Indian subcontinent, the hundred crore people of this land have been naming their children in Sanskrit owing to the mystical powers that this language is said to possess.

The Puranas or the ancient legendary texts of the subcontinent feature a lots of stories where sages and people with mystical powers cursing or blessing people with Sanskrit sentences. During such circumstances, the magical powers of Sanskrit words are believed to make the curse or blessing true by virtue of their powerful vibrations. Continuous chanting of some Sanskrit words are said to secure the corresponding benefits to the individual. Indian numerology believes that Sanskrit names will bestow immeasurable benefits to people.

Internet is replete with lots of Sanskrit names that you can choose for your children. With growing popularity for Sanskrit names, several celebrities take great pride in Sanskrit names. Gods in Indian mythology have attractive Sanskrit names and you can select from the long list of gods names in the Indian tradition that will be appropriate for your child. In addition, there is also a treasure of general names describing the characteristics of the individual. Such Sanskrit names will be a highly cherished and proud possession for your children throughout their life.

Alisha North is an expert in writing about Sanskrit Names. His articles on Sanskrit Words are widely read and enjoyed by the users.
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Tags: magical powers, curse, sages, virtue, mantras, indian subcontinent, numerology, ancient traditions, vedas, magical power