Beat those wrinkles with natural solutions and stay young and healthy

By: rawgaia-skincare | Posted: 29th June 2011

Aging is natural, although it can induce a feeling of depression to see wrinkles on our face when we don’t want to see them. But don’t worry. There are beauty solutions in place to help reduce wrinkles in the long term. But before choosing any anti-aging skin care product think about its ingredients since you are going to a chosen product on one of the most sensitive parts of your body.

People every day are realising more and more the benefits of natural skin care products and many of the top beauty companies have already begun to increase their line of organic beauty products so that they can accommodate to this growing trend. The main advantage of natural anti aging skin care products is that they are much gentler on your skin than synthetic skin care products. Especially in the case of beauty products to beat wrinkles, where you may be advised to use them on a regular basis. As we grow older our skin care needs may change but the basic skin texture and the skin care routine doesn’t have to. After discovering our skin type a skin care routine based on this knowledge should be adapted which may include cleansing, toning and moisturising on a daily basis as well as exfoliation, facials and masks on weekly basis.

Exfoliation can be considered as one of the most important things you can do to protect aging skin. As we get older the rate of creating new cells in our body reduces. Through exfoliation we are helping our skin to remove dead cells on its surface and also to produce new cells more rapidly so that we can have a fresher, healthier and more youthful appearance. Manual exfoliation is done with any ideal skin care product that roughs the skin up and removes the top layer of dead cells so that the fresher skin underneathcan be exposed. After removing all those dead cells from your face you can rub some moisturiser on the face to enrich the new cells coming up. Natural anti-aging skin care products are absorbed more easily into the skin and they naturally fight free radicals causing ageing and give the skin more glowing tone and freshness.

There are foods that can help anti aging by providing proper vitamins to your skin. A diet rich in fruits and vegetables can help you to fight against wrinkles since many antioxidants are present in them. The most important antioxidants include vitamin C (present in tomatoes, citrus fruits etc.), vitamin E (present in nuts and avocado), polyphenols (present in natural cocoa powder and berries), quercetin (present in onions and broccoli), and carotenoids (present in green leaves, sweet potatoes, other bright orange vegetables etc.). As you get older drinking more fluids is very important since your sense of thirst naturally decreases with age and it may cause dehydration resulting into the loss of skin elasticity. Drinking eight glasses of fluids like fruit juices, soups etc. a day can help to keep your body and skin fresh. Including a variety of antioxidant-packed whole grains and oats in your meals is also a good option to support anti aging. So, eat healthily and take care of your body with proper skin care products to stay young for many more years.
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Tags: daily basis, aging skin care, anti aging skin care, anti aging skin, skin texture, youthful appearance, free radicals, dead cells, natural skin care, skin care products, skin care product, moisturiser, natural skin care products, skin care routine, aging skin care products, moisturising, anti aging skin care product