How Protecting The Environment Also Helps Your Organization Succeed

By: Art Jones | Posted: 28th June 2011

Staying focused on your area of expertise is what allows your organization to succeed. Using accurate cost accounting, effective advertising, controlling expenditures, employing good management practices, and hiring skilled employees are all necessary components of a successful group, but specialization is necessary to accomplish anything worth doing.

Your organization can use he current green movement, not only to help the environment, but as a surprising source of many positive results. Installing recycling bins, for example, requires a minimal investment of time and effort, and the return on that investment can be substantial.

There are three main factors that allow organizations to benefit from going green: reduced costs, improved employee moral, and increased goodwill. By becoming more eco-friendly, institutions can garner an improved public image that attracts and retains more and better investors, personnel, and opportunities.

Employees feel better cared for by organization leaders that focus on protecting the environment. Finally, programs such as installing recycling bins and using energy efficient appliances and windows significantly reduce variable overhead costs. In some cases, it can even result in a new source of income. Best of all, protecting the environment results in free, positive press.

How Recycling Bins Save Money

Collecting and removing garbage costs you money. Using single stream bins at your office or event can greatly reduce garbage collection and removal costs. For every can, bottle, and piece of paper tossed into bins for recycling, there is that much less garbage that must be paid to have removed. In some cases, these programs can also generate a new source of income.

Paper, plastic, and metal resources are becoming increasingly expensive to produce. As a result, more companies are finding that recyclables are a more cost effective source and they are willing to pay for those materials. What was an expense can be transformed into a source of income for a double advantage.

How Easy It Is To "Go Green" And Start Using Recycling Containers

Generally, all it takes is a simple phone call and your bins for recycling are on their way. A straightforward in-house campaign can educate and motivate participants. Other eco-friendly decisions that can benefit clubs, institutions, and event organizers is the use of energy efficient appliances and equipment. Rather than repairing inefficient equipment, today's modern, energy efficient designs offer more than a reduction in repair bills. And, according to the Department of Energy, high efficiency windows pay for themselves within five years. By merging a normal capital improvement and overhead costs with reduced energy bills, the net result is a healthier bottom line.

As more people become concerned about the environment which we all share, associations that go "green" often garner greater media loyalty and improved public image. The introduction of a new recycling program makes for highly effective press releases, blogs, and social media entries, as well as substantially improved goodwill from the local and national public. Simply by initiating the use of bins for recycling, your organization can save money and get some great free press coverage!

If you are interested in finding bins and containers for recycling, be sure to visit
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Tags: specialization, overhead costs, minimal investment, goodwill, piece of paper, effective advertising, necessary components, public image, good management, management practices, energy efficient appliances, using energy, cost accounting, recycling bins, protecting the environment, skilled employees