What To Look For in an IT Support Partner.

By: Sebastian Stuart | Posted: 27th June 2011

Throw more complicated IT services such as VOIP telephony systems, automated on-site or off-site back-ups or in house business servers and then your selection of IT partner becomes an essential factor in keeping your business running smoothly.

Nowadays virtually all businesses depend heavily on many areas of IT for their day-to-day running. Computer networks allow your employees to provide services to your customers and clients. Email and telephone systems allow you to communicate. Disturbance to any part of this system can have dire consequences on your capability to operate successfully.

Selecting the correct IT support company for your business is not straight forward and many important factors should be taken in to account. Below are a few basic factors to consider before selecting your IT partner.


In business it is a simple fact that it some stage things will go wrong. No system is ever perfect and regardless of the work that you have put in to minimise failures, there is always the chance that something will go wrong with your system. Whatever the reasons for this failure, how an IT partner deals with the issues and how quickly they react to it are essential factors to be considered. You need to be confident that your IT partner has the resources and will respond rapidly and effectively to emergencies. This may well be the significant difference between a major problem to your business and a small inconvenience that your clients might not even notice.

Separating the good It companies and the bad IT companies is the difference between how they deal with these major issues.

Level of Service

With luck, the likelihood of your IT partner needing to deal with these emergency issues will be an uncommon occurrence with it being far more probable that the day-to-day services you receive will be an indicator of the level of their service. Don't be undersold here. A good IT support company will offer you with services beyond simply reacting to your minor support issues. Your partner should be able to provide training for you and your staff, ensuring that you are using your systems, correctly, effectively and to their full capabilities. They should also be able to offer sound advice on areas where your business IT infrastructure can be streamlined or improved and how it can be developed in the future.


electing an IT company that can adapt it's services to accommodate your needs as your business evolves is an significant consideration to take in to account. Developing a good working relationship with a client is something that a good IT partner should strive to do. It is important that you also work towards this kind of working relationship but if your IT partner distances themselves from your business they will never be able to be proactive in predicting your future needs.


There are new IT companies springing up all the time but you might have no way of checking their reliability. IT support companies that fail to deliver when things go wrong don't tend to survive too long but the unfortunate fact is that these people generally just start up a new IT support business and continue to give the same poor levels of response and service. Look in to the history of several IT support companies before making your selection, read testimonials and online reviews and if possible speak to their present clients.
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Tags: email, ups, important factors, likelihood, simple fact, back ups, consequences, failure, capability, inconvenience, emergencies, telephone systems, computer networks