Control Your Telecom Expenses With Telecom Audit Software From Teligistics

By: Roger Design | Posted: 23rd June 2011

If your business relies on telecom services, you may not realize just how much you could be saving on these services if you had an effective telecom audit software to help you better manage your telecom spends. Most companies are unaware of just how to properly audit their telecom bills or manage telecom expenses. This can lead to spending thousands more dollars over the course of your telecom contract than you need to spend. Effectively managing your telecom account is critical in saving your company money and ensuring that you have the specific telecom services that you need.

Teligistics offers telecom bill management through TEAM, our web based platform. TEAM offers a number of benefits and features that will help you to better manage your telecom spending. This can help you to save money on services that you really do not need and put that money elsewhere in your company. TEAM will effectively manage your circuit inventories, perform searches and provide you with reports that allow you to better keep track of where you are spending on your telecom services. You will receive telephone bill auditing before you pay invoices which helps you to avoid paying for billing errors. In addition, TEAM offers a fast turnaround so you can avoid paying late fees and receiving disconnect notices.

Teligistics' telecom audit software is completely web based so you will access and use it completely online. It requires no seat licensing fees or lengthy training. It is simply an easy to implement and easy to use solution to paying more for your telecom services than you should be paying. Teligistics can help you to procure the most beneficial telecom contract for your company using our risk mitigation strategy and will ensure that your contract offers the terms, pricing and conditions that you specifically need and that will most benefit your company. We have procured more than $6 billion in telecom contracts and helped our clients to save an average of 40 percent on these services.

Teligistics understands the need for businesses today to save money. Through TEAM, you can begin noticing savings immediately and have better management over your telecom services. TEAM gives you a complete look into these services which allows you to cut those that are unnecessary to your company. Feel free to read more on our website or contact us at Teligistics for more information on TEAM and how it can benefit your company.
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Tags: invoices, late fees, contracts, company money, turnaround, auditing, inventories, telephone bill, telecom expenses, telecom services