Skip Bins: Essential Things to Know about Skip Bins

By: sunildetecvison | Posted: 21st June 2011

Hearing the term skip bin might puzzle some persons because there is a more popular term that most people are used to. So let us use it for a little while to explain what skip bins are. A skip bin is just a regular rubbish skip that everyone just calls a skip or waste bin. It is an extra large bin with an open top that is designed to be placed on a special lorry built for it. However, a skip bin and a dumpster is different because while a dumpster is emptied right on site, skip bins are taken and dumped on a landfill but is replaced by a new one until it has to be emptied again.

With that said, it is good to know that not everyone should have a skip; however, skip bins are used mostly on demolition and construction sites to hold the waste but they can be used to hold other form of wastes such as: solid waste, animal by-products, biochemical, chemical waste, liquid waste, and commercial waste among other forms non-residential waste unless it is a big job being carried out in the residential area. If you have a big cleaning job and needs somewhere to store the waste, you need to get a skip but don’t start thinking that you will need to buy a skip just because you have big job because there are skip bin hire companies that you can contact and have them rent you a skip.

However, there are various kinds of skip bins and skip that you can get for hire and they are all based on the type of waste that you want to have disposed. For example, a clean fill or hard fill skip bin is useful for the cleanup of general everyday waste such as soil, rocks, sand, bricks, and tiles; simple things like these are best for storing in a clean fill or hard fill skip bin. One end of the skip sometimes has a large door that hinges down to allow manual unloading, or manual loading.

Green Waste Skip Bins – are ideal for the cleanup of tree trimmings, leaves, grass, and organic materials.

Soil-Dirt Skip bins should only be used if you are cleaning up pure soil or dirt that has no contaminants in them and you should make sure that you do not mix any other waste in these kinds of skips.

Now that you are aware of the basics of skip bins and you need one for a project that you are doing but do not have the funds to buy one for yourself or you only need it for a one time project, it does not matter the reason, the point is you need a skip bin for hire; there are many companies that offer this service and all you need to do is search for one. However, like with most companies that offer their products online you need to be careful of who you use and always make yourself aware of their policies before you use them. Now that you are aware of the basics when it comes to skip bin.

For the best services in Skip Bins you may visit
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Tags: landfill, soil, bricks, dirt, dumpster, cleanup, demolition, contaminants, tiles, rubbish, residential area, solid waste, lorry, organic materials, construction sites, liquid waste