How to arrange a corporate portrait session with a photographer in Dubai

By: Alena Smith | Posted: 20th June 2011

Large companies with a well managed marketing strategy need to improve their brand if they want to succeed in theever more competitive market of Dubai. One good strategy to accomplish this, is to have good quality images in the corporate communications strategy that transmit the essence of your brand. For this you need to find a good photographer that will create these for you.

First of all you should look on the Internet on any of the mayor search engines, primarily Google and have a look for any of the mayor Dubai-photographers that you can find.

Then either email requesting for a quote or call to discuss the details of your request. Some photographers prefer to handle the client relations themselves and as theymight be busymostofthe time, if you don´tget a reply on the first call the best thing to do would be towritean email andwaitfor a promptreply.

A good photographer is not usually the cheapest and sometimes cheap would mean having to pay twice the price if you didn’t succeed the first time around on achieving what you wanted. A good portfolio and experience to back it up is the main thing to look in a Dubai-photographer , there are photographers from all over the world and the aesthetic sense of each may vary greatly from one region of the world to the other.

Once the photographer has been hired, you must set a date for the shoot. All the people involved should arrive at a preset time and the photographer should be able to give you a good estimate on how much time each person photographed would require. While the photographer is choosing location and setting up the lights, sometimes a good make up artist is a good option to have, mostly for the ladies of the company. The gentlemen would only need to subtle touch ups.

After the session the photographer would send you the images for you to select and these are usually taken for post production, this being the digital enhancement of every chosen final image so they can achieve their maximum potential. Each image requires a considerable amount of time for retouching for which the photographer has to charge so narrowing down the selection of portraits to the ones you actually like and are going to use would reduce unnecessary workload on the photographer resulting in a reduction of the cost, you pay only for the images you use.

Once you have set a relationship with a photographer and you are happy with it’s work, like any other professional in Dubai, is good to keep the photographer’s contact details for future opportunities.

For more info check: Dubai-photographer and Dubai-photographers

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Tags: google, email, ups, reply, marketing strategy, competitive market, photographers, quality images, photographer, touch ups, gentlemen, aesthetic sense