Thinking about The Day Of Our Birth The Correct Way

By: David Boemez | Posted: 15th June 2011

Day-to-day is a similar day. Days are different only in a handful of ways- climate conditions, sun rising and sundown time. Else most of the days are same. The sun rises in the east and sets in the west. It has been occuring for billions of ages and will continue, right up until the cosmos collapses. Then why should we treat one day different than all of the others? The real difference shouldn't be in the day, but also in our emotions, desires, outlook on life, frustration, meetings and non meeting accomplishments, setbacks etc. If what makes us feel good takes place on a day, we call it a fantastic day. Else, it could be called a dull or boring day, or a useless day or whatever.

So, exactly why do we love our birthday? Why do we commemorate it? How come we feel good about it? I mean the majority of people. For many people including myself, a birthday might be no different than any other day. So let us talk of individuals who celebrate their birthday. They do it because they were given birth to on that day. Correct? But is their birth a reason for excitement? What have they achieved to celebrate? Huge amounts of people inhabit the planet, so what is so amazing about a single man or women?

Returning to the topic,these are philosophical questions which make us understand ourselves, and our association with the environment better. I might claim that if you are a caring person, you're a great person. No matter whether you are neither rich nor prominent. I'd say that if you're able to help another forget about his/her pain for sometime, you might be a good person. I would say, if you offer some money without hesitation for a cause, you are a good person. When you cheer up another person, you're a great person. If you can help the planet with even the smallest act, you are a good person, and your birthday should be celebrated.

Our birthdays must make us contemplate more of ourselves, our behavior, our beliefs, our ethics, our soft qualities, our empathy, our ambitions, our desires, our helping hand, our drive to wipe away tears and every other act or thought that can make us a better person. All of us must celebrate our birthday if we wish, but along with day, all of us ought to add one more positive quality to ourselves. That will supply us increased happiness than any other celebration. One feels valuable and good, only if one is genuinely so. We can mislead people in to believing that we are good, but we can't deceive ourselves. For getting joy and happiness in our heart, we must ourselves think that we are good people. Let us choose to add one good quality to ourselves on our birthday and let us enjoy it. Better, let us choose to do one good action every day. No pleasure will match that happiness, because joy and happiness cannot be purchased or borrowed. We feel joyful and good about ourselves, only if we have self-esteem that comes only from doing good deeds.

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Tags: ethics, setbacks, handful, frustration, hesitation, billions, desires, excitement, emotions, empathy, ambitions, birthdays, good person, climate conditions, single man