Walking is the Right Path to Weight Loss

By: Jessie Oneill | Posted: 15th June 2011

So, you've decided it's a good time you begin losing a bit of weight, and that working out more would be a good place to begin. Perhaps you're new to working out or you haven't worked out in a long while. Perhaps you feel it's a bit daunting. Fortunately, it's not that confusing or hard to do - simply begin walking. Whatever exercise program you opt to go for, walking must be an integral part of it.

First, when you're setting up an exercise regimen, be sure and include walking as a daily activity. Have a dog? Take your pet for a fine, long walk. Anything under 10 minutes doesn't count. It may only have been ten minutes, but over a week that equals to 70 minutes, which is quite a lot of walking. You can double this by just walking with your dog two times per day. What about walking to your office, or at least a portion of the way? You can do this no matter how far you live from work. A half an hour walk to work is doable, and if you walk to and from work you'll be walking for an hour per day. If you ride the bus to your place of work, you can just try to start using a stop that's a little farther from either end. Adding more walking into your day-to-day schedule is a snap.

Walking is one of the simplest and best things you can do to become healthier. Because walking an aerobic exercise, you'll burn off calories, which means you'll lose weight and it's also beneficial for your heart. You can go at a somewhat slow pace if need be, so don't be worried that you're going to hurt your muscles or joints as you might if you went for a run. I have a thin brother who seems to be able to gobble up anything he wants and continue to slim. I asked him about it. He tells me doesn't have an idea how he manages to do it, but he mention that he does a lot of walking every day. When he told me that, everything all of a sudden added up. There is no good reason not to exercise, when walking is very uncomplicated.

You're more likely to stick with your walking program if you just make it part of your everyday routine. Then, with a proper, nutritious diet, you'll also begin slimming down as if by magic. By walking you'll also feel better and you won't be bored by it because it's not strenuous at all, which will make you feel more inspired. As you walk more and notice changes, you'll want to do more or step up the intensity level of your walks. If you think you can do more - go for it. Once you're walking at a reasonably good pace and feel ready, you might even try jogging. And you can move on to even more strenuous exercise regimens, if you want.

What else do you need to know? Are you ready to get started walking? Even if you're busy you can find 10 minutes to walk around the block, or if you're a member of a gym, nip in and do half an hour on the treadmill at a slow pace to start off with.About the Author
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Tags: good reason, heart, brother, exercise program, exercise regimen, muscles, joints, calories, aerobic exercise, good time, slow pace