How Do You Strengthen Your Family Relationships When Autism Is Present?

By: Bonita Darula | Posted: 10th June 2011

If you have a member in your family who is autistic, it can affect your relationships within the family. How do you maintain a healthy relationship with a married couple and other family members when autism is present?

I have seen many family dynamics destroyed, because of a the high maintenance and needs of an individual who has autism in the family.

You as parent(s), caregiver(s), must take into consideration the value of your well-being and how to keep the family relationships healthy.

The first step I would recommend to strengthen and keep your relationships strong is to:

* Take time for one another.

* Set one night per week for you to be together.

* Be creative, call it your "special date night, or "vacation night".

* Plan a picnic, go for a walk, a movie, take a small trip to the museum, zoo, or anything that appeals to you, that will allow you to be together for a few hours.

* The time you spend with each other will enrich your relationships, to keep them strong.

Once you as parent(s), caregiver(s), start to make time together, you may find it a challenge for your child, who is autistic, to spend his or her time with a baby sitter. In addition, a trusted friend, or another family member.

I have discovered, when you want to take time for yourself, and introduce a new person to take care of your child, it is wise to take these steps:

* Prepare your child for the change. It will be out of their routine but it helps to let them know in advance what the new routine will be.

* It may be a difficult challenging at first, but it is well worth making the change, out of the routine from your child.

* This will enhance and keep your relationship strong when autism is present.

* You may start to feel guilty because you are away from your child.

* It is imperative to understand, as long as your child is not sick and his or her well-being is being taken care of, you need not feel guilty.

* You will be gone for a few hours and those few hours will help to make your relationships to become strong and healthier.

Another way to keep your relationships strong, is to be a good listener:

* Try not to push or rush each other out the door if one is talking.

* Take time to look the other person in his or her eyes and pay attention to what he or she is saying.

* Respect the individual by asking questions, and waiting for an answer.

* Keep the stress level at a low, if there are disagreements about opinions.

* As you speak, say and encourage positive statements with encouragement and confidence.

As you make your relationships stronger, remember to take time for yourself:

* Get enough sleep and rest.

* Get excercise.

* Keep your appearance up, so you will feel good about yourself and raise your self-esteem

* Take a hot soothing bubble bath.

* Enjoy your friends by making a visit with them, for lunch, coffee, brunch, etc.

Are you willing to make positive changes to strengthen your relationships when autism is present?


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Tags: relationship, family relationships, family members, married couple, picnic, must take into consideration, caregiver, family member, high maintenance, zoo, baby sitter, autism, new routine