Ethnic cleansing - A curse to humanity

By: Parimal Tripathi | Posted: 07th June 2011

This is an era of globalization where the entire world has started to get well knitted in the form a village. People from most of the urban sites on earth are now happily living together as a multi-ethnic society and almost every event is celebrated like a cosmopolitan festive occasion. In spite of all these pros, there still exist several cons in the name of ethnic cleansing. Many people of the minority group in places around the world are yet living their lives condemned of the personal views toward the society.

There are several countries where the term ‘ethnic cleansing’ is relevant in the form of civil wars, discrimination towards the minorities and many other political factors. The continent that has mostly engraved its name in such practices is Africa. Genocide in Darfur zone of Sudan, politically motivated civil war by Mugabe’s Zanu party in Zimbabwe and civil war in DR Congo are few of the examples being put forward to highlight such terror-stricken act on earth. Thousands of cops raped women and many children were made orphans as the aftermath of these riots. It would remain biased if only Africa is mentioned as the place for giving rise to ethnic cleansing. Such incidents happen in several other places across the globe in smaller or larger shapes, and not just observed in the Third world nations; but also noticed in many developed nations.

Illiteracy is the biggest reason for giving rise to such horror-struck situations from time to time on earth. However, chauvinistic believes towards one’s race or community and envy towards the others are the major reasons that ignite ethnic cleansing. The crossover time had come and gone to maintain peace between people, irrespective of race or community. But, the term ‘ethnic cleansing’ hasn’t yet been wiped out of the dictionary because many people still carry the latent feeling of hate towards other communities. The multi-ethnic society should live more open-heartedly with each other rather than negotiating or reconciling themselves to the people of other communities.

Ethnic cleansing not just results in millions of deaths, but also leaves behind several traumatic minds and a destabilized economic structure at place. Millions of people are found to emigrate from one place to another in order to safeguard themselves. It causes an imbalance in the lifestyle and economy of the neighboring places too. In many cases it is observed that such clashes are politically initiated to gain the political clout of certain zones. The ruling government of every country need to work out on this area – where they can provide basic education and moral values to every citizen to such an extent that they never get brainwashed by the wrong people with wrong motives. We all need to understand the meaning of globalization in its true form and spirit to come out of the darkness caused by ethnic cleansing in several minds.

Parimal Tripathi is a volunteer content writer for Jaagore. To learn and speak about issues on street children, environmental pollution, garbage disposal, corruption, volunteering, volunteer work, community services, NGOs, Delhi Voter ID Card, social and civic issues visit
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Tags: entire world, orphans, personal views, riots, festive occasion, illiteracy, developed nations, political factors