Diet Smart – Body Fat Loss – 5 Step Plan

By: greywolf | Posted: 07th June 2011

This time of year is when just about everyone starts trying to lose weight before summer rolls around. They go to the gym, and work out hard, eat nothing but twigs and sticks. They are sore, hungry and still Fat!!

-66% is the number of adults in the U.S. Who are either overweight or obese.
-40 inches is the waist size you should stay under to reduce disease risk.
-For every four inches your waist size expands by, your risk of death jumps by 16%.
-2 to 4 weeks: How long you need to stick with a weight loss program before you start seeing results.

Step 1: Have Multiple Goals

Probably you already got a big goal in mind, losing 25lbs. That's great, but short-term goals help get you there more easily. Set a few simple goals everyday. Getting in 30 minutes of training. Skip your mid-afternoon junk food binge. Meet these short-term goals and then build off them.

Step 2: Keep It Simple

You want to make changes to your lifestyle that you can live with long term. Don't make the mistake when starting a new program by scheduling more than you can handle. For example, when starting out don't want to work out three hours a day. Your overall approach to getting fit should always mesh with how you live now and how you will live in the future.

Step 3: Start With Your Eating Habits

Most can drop five pounds or more in no-time just by cutting back on portion sizes, having more snack size mini meals instead of three full plates, and ditching processed foods. Think high protein, high fiber and natural foods. Exercise is obviously important, but in the beginning the most essential thing you can do to lose weight is to adjust your eating habits.

Step 4: Quit Stepping On The Scale

Muscle weighs more than fat, so it's easy to think you aren't making headway. Track the size of your waist or simply look at the way your clothes are fitting. Also, track how long it takes you to run a mile or how many push-ups or sit-ups you can do. You can also measure everything you're eating and make sure the amounts of calories and fat are going down while the protein and fiver rise.

Step 5: Never Quit

Never allow a small slip off the wagon to snowball into a binge of bad eating. In order to successfully lose weight and keep it off, you've got to learn to forgive slip-ups. Everybody indulges too much once in a while, it's human nature. Shake it off and come back hard. If you've had a bad day, bad week or bad month? You can still turn it around and get into shape like you need to for your well being. But you have to start now!!!

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Tags: ups, term goals, twigs, goal in mind, time of year, step 3, junk food, eating habits, portion sizes, push ups, headway, processed foods, waist size, mid afternoon, four inches, getting fit