The Need To Recycle Steel

By: Karen | Posted: 07th June 2011

Made from the earths most common natural resources, steel has been used for a long time in the construction of roads, railways and buildings. It has made its way into cars, appliances and even the kitchen knife. Steel in the beginning had been produced through very inefficient and labor intensive methods until the invention of the Bessemer process in the mid-nineteenth century. This process revolutionized steel production and boosted the number of applications for it by making it cheaper and more efficient to produce. The process also delivered better quality steel which led it to become a major component of the construction industry right up till today.

However the increased applications led to increased demand and like most metals, the demand for fresh virgin material often exceeded the supply. As most of us know, steel is an alloy produced mainly from iron ore, and iron ore is obtained through mining. The question that arose was how much can we keep mining from mother earth? There had to be a limit set because iron was being dug out and obtained in large quantities leading to environmental degradation. Such is to the discovery of a solution which had been there all along but few had been implementing, recycling. Steel being used in the industry for long ended up getting piled up in the junk yards. Obtaining steel from domestic waste and the construction industry was easy but recovering it from cars and other electrical goods turned out to be a bit problematic. However, the advantages of recycling steel often out number the advantages of producing fresh steel namely factors such as, the amount of energy used for production along with the massive amounts materials being dug out and wasted while mining. The main advantage of steel as a recyclable material is that it retains its quality while being recycled, and that too over and over again. Hence recycling steel turned out to be a major hit in terms of production and the environment.

Fuelling the need for recycled steel can partly be done by us as individuals in Dubai, and mainly by the companies like the Lucky Recycling a stainless steel scrap metal recycler in Dubai. They obtain tonnes of stainless steel scrap from the scarp yards in Dubai, then segregate, process and package them as per manufacturer requirements to their clients the world over. Lucky Recycling is a division of the Lucky Group a reputable scrap metal recycler and aluminum alloy manufacturer in Dubai.

To know more about the Lucky Group, kindly visit:

Karen Adams is an environmentalist who contributes articles to aluminum alloy manufacturing in Dubai. Lucky Group is one such company he trusts in. He does his best to inculcate an eco-friendly behavior among people. As Lucky Group is one of the best scrap metal recycling company in Dubai and internationally, he enjoys yielding ideas on this topic.
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Tags: massive amounts, mother earth, iron ore, major component, construction industry, quality steel, electrical goods, railways, kitchen knife, recyclable material, environmental degradation