What Should I Expect From My Unique Business Phone Number

By: JamesK | Posted: 02nd June 2011

One of the first questions that people ask regarding toll-free services is how much does a 1300 number cost? Depending on what carrier you go with, the costs will vary. Aside from this, most Telco providers will charge a rate per minute and a set up fee.

Call types

The rates are divided into the following call types - local calls, national calls, and calls made from mobile phones. These rates apply to 1300 numbers that are anchored on a landline. Usually, the most expensive rate per minute is when you direct a number that is 1300 to a mobile answer point. On the other hand, a local call made to this kind of number is free for the first 15 minutes of the call. This is quite helpful, especially for businesses that service a local area. If you decide to make your mobile phone the answer point for your 1300 calls, there are no free minutes, regardless of where the call was made from.

Flag falls

For some Telco providers, a flag fall is an extra charge that is sometimes billed to a client. What this means is that there will be a connection fee charge for every call on top of the rate per minute.


Depending on the kind of routing you need, the price for this kind of service ranges within $35 to $1500. However, it will really depend on how complex your configuration is. Some providers will include call overflow in their monthly fees. Getting a call overflow option is perfect for those times when your business receives a steady barrage of calls that your in-house staff cannot handle. When you install this feature on your inbound number, you can capture all those calls and prevent your company from missing out on calls that could lead to a potential sale. Remember, calls that are dropped usually end up going to your competitor. Aside from this, you can split up the workload by having your incoming calls evenly distributed.

For a small business that is just starting out, getting this kind of number will help create the perception that you are larger than you really are. An example of this would be a plumber with a 1300 number displayed prominently on the side of his van. You would immediately think that he might be part of a larger plumbing chain but he could very well be a small start-up that is trying to grow.

If you are wondering how much does a 1300 number cost, there are a lot of phone companies that will be happy to assist you in setting one up for your business.


James Knight has a marketing background and writes useful information for businesses. To find out more about the 1300 Number Cost to your business, visit Flash Numbers for lists of double and triple digit easy to remember 1300 numbers and phone words
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Tags: workload, competitor, what this means, local area, perception, mobile phones, barrage, 15 minutes, mobile phone, local call, incoming calls, free minutes, landline, house staff