Great Theming Ideas

By: Rick Gueli | Posted: 01st June 2011

Coming up with theming ideas can be one of the fun aspects of planning a party, or event. You see, themes make for and provide a certain mood or colour of a party and can have a a huge impact on whether it's a success or not.

Of course personal preference can play in big when it comes time to decide on which direction you are going to go with, but at the same time you do have to consider your guests. Particularly if it's a business related function where more can be at stake.

Today with the steady growing popularity of theme parties a whole host of popular options has developed. Proven themes that you can use if you aren't into taking chances because keep in mind that with chance comes the risk of failure along with success.

So then what goes into a proven them? For instance is there some formula or fibre that you can use when you try to decide which direction to go with your party or event? The simple answer to that is “yes”, there are a few commonalities that successful themes share.

Hollywood 1930s, 40s or 50s, Mardi Gras and Burlesque are three of the top proven choices and they all have something in common. Can you figure it out? They all revolve around a “show” and after all isn't it a show that you're really putting on for your guests when you go with this type of event, or party?

You have the costumes, the lights, all the bright flashy colours and of course with all of them you have the corresponding music. It's actually quite simple once you think about it, and burlesque in particular has to be one of the easiest and most exciting of them all.

So much of the burlesque theme rides on the music and the lighting and the real fun thing about this choice is that it's just a “tad bit” racy. I suppose it's an adult party concept, but in a fun way that no one could possibly have objections to and the costumes are, so fun and easy to do.

Also unlike other popular themes like Mardi Gras in particular, with burlesque you aren't so dependent on three dimensional props. Then don’t forget that there's male as well as female burlesque now, so everyone will have fun dressing up.

Setting up your bar and outfitting your bartender for this particular theme is also pretty straight forward. After all, isn't traditional burlesque put on in a bar setting? So it's fun, colourful, costume oriented and not as difficult to do as some of the others and it's also a proven success.

In the end though, no matter what type of party theme you go with, you have to set it up, have the party then take it down again. Don't lose track of the fact that you have a party or event to put on too, so you want your theme to be as easy as possible.

Freestyle Design and Fabrications are a company who specialise in the creation of Burlesque Themed Party
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Tags: colours, props, simple answer, objections, personal preference, tad, fibre, commonalities, risk of failure, 40s, real fun, fun thing, 1930s, mardi gras, costumes, theme parties, planning a party