Hindi News: Voice Connecting faraway

By: Nikita Verma | Posted: 26th May 2011

Cricket is like a natural instinct to Indians like their reflex actions. Indian hearts beat for it and blood boils. The level of enthusiasm is not shared by our national sports Hockey. Certain individuals reach to the extent of ignorance about hockey being the national sports of India. Cricket News in Hindi hence enjoys more than fair share of Indian attention. Every moment counts and every update matters when a match is in action. It has also given birth to the concept of “live”. We have Hindi Newspaper, News Channels, Sports Channels, etc. to provide us every minute detail. Hindi news is of great consequence because this language has maximum reach in India. When the issue is Cricket, reaction gets exponentially hyped with the understanding given by Hindi.

News comes to us in various mediums, presentations and languages. We know many popular names that fill the daily chore of life as news providers. We are majorly presented with the option of English and Hindi newspaper when it is breakfast time. Both are similar with few exceptions here and there. One prominent difference is the brusque familiarity of Hindi and sophisticated impersonality of English. This thought might not gain unanimous consensus but it is certainly not an individual observation. English might enjoy the entitlement of being most spoken still Hindi remains the voice of India. So is the case with Hindi News.

Language facilitates easy communication. Due to this reason Cricket news in Hindi is enjoyed most by us. In discussions and live commentary, Hindi takes the lead. Being an overrated sport in Indian context, small information regarding it becomes big news. Hindi just makes sure that it reaches every corner of Indian peninsula. English only fulfills the criteria of being global language to reach to rest of the non-Hindi world. Hindi in a way integrates otherwise left-alone small towns and villages to the metro cities. Howzzzzzzzzz that!

English might have taken a shape of trend more than a forced necessity for young generation but people prefer their daily dose of information as Hindi news only. The study may come as a surprise to many but nevertheless a truth! Hindi Newspaper does more than its job of filling our chore of daily life. Apart from keeping us updated, it invokes sentiments that may actually be new to us. Sentiments like surprise, shock, amusement, disappointment, and patriotism are few of them. Who would have fathomed the impact of any language until discussed at length like this?

Find Hindi News, Cricket News in Hindi and Hindi News Paper at jagran.yahoo.com
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Tags: news channels, hyped, minute detail, natural instinct, sports channels, breakfast time, metro cities, indian peninsula, indian context