How to make up according to the shape of the face

By: nilesh | Posted: 24th May 2011

The structure makeup, softens and changes the factions to get a oval shaped face, more balanced and harmonious. Depending on the face shape you have, in this post are the indications to be able to bring your makeup and features a oval shape as possible.

How to disguise the shape of the face

Triangular face, the chin is sharp and angular cheekbones, so it is necessary to unify the color of the skin without stressing their sharp appearance.

With smooth strokes with the brush apply darker makeup on problem areas, then illuminates the eye with a pencil illuminator on the top of the cheeks and draws well the curve of the eyebrows.

The mouth light it with a touch of pink in the center of the lower lip and above a bit of gloss with glitter.

Round face: the forehead is wide and full cheeks, so it is necessary to use makeup to feminize the features and create visual relief.

Through a long and flattened brush applied liquid makeup evenly over face. Illuminator with a brush gives a triangle-shaped light scattering product under the eyes and around the mouth to get more volume.

Used to stylize the face blush, this you have to implement diagonal creating a shadow under the cheekbone and above the eyebrows.
Completes the makeup lip gloss on and stressing the eyebrows.

Rectangular face: the face is square with prominent jaws round the forms necessary to feminize and this is done playing with light.

Apply liquid foundation extending outwards. Creates a point of light in the eyes and the start of the cheek with a pencil difúmalo enlightening and brush.

With the visually rounded face blush on the cheeks by applying, from the ears and the angle of the jaw, gives color to the front on the birth of the hair .

To finish well defined eyebrows and apply gloss on the lips.

The Face Charts formats faces are drawn on paper, these images are used by professional makeup artists to capture a look at certain models and not lose time on the day of the show or photo shoot.

There are numerous models of Face Charts, some eyebrows are drawn as not, the nose is more or less defined and the shape of the face varies among all the existing types.

Face To use the Chart, the drawing color makeup before looking for the perfect style , according to eye color and characteristics of a model. This is a very useful tool that saves time and can not only be used by professionals, you can also use it to discover new styles and realizarte a makeup differently each time.

In the Face Chart embodies all kinds of ideas that have come to mind, you can go mixing colors and styles, which is very useful to know what kind of makeup goes with certain physical characteristics.

To make a Face Chart first have to get a template (you can find on the Internet) or draw it yourself if you have the ability to make a face, which has the advantage of being able to do it in a personalized way. Make several copies of the picture because the first few times may not get the expected result, that is until you take the technique practical.

Ideally, you do the drawing with old makeup that do not use more (not to squander the good ones) and the makeup brushes you use regularly.

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Tags: glitter, factions, problem areas, eyebrows, jaws, forehead, cheek, cheeks, face shape, cheekbones, lip gloss, oval shape, liquid foundation, cheekbone