Bikini Waxing At Home

By: justinecricks | Posted: 23rd May 2011

It’s that time of year again where women clad in skimpy swimsuits parade pools and beaches, get a natural tan or swim to their heart’s content; it’s that time of year again, where bikini waxing is more in demand than ever so women can wear those sexy swimsuits and look hotter than the weather. Before they can do that though, they need to have a bikini wax to remove unwanted hair in their private area.

Some women opt to do it at a salon or spa; however, some women are a bit more shy or humiliated to have somebody do the waxing for them so they opt for bikini waxing at home. If you are one of those women who do not want to have an attendant do it for you, then here are some tips on how you can properly do it.

Safety precautions first though, make sure that this is not your first time to have a bikini wax. First timers on bikini waxing should not do it on their own. They should first look for a qualified professional to ensure that they will have a good experience before trying it on their own.

The first thing that you have to do is to make sure that the area is clean and dry. Exfoliate it to ensure its cleanliness. If you don’t, the bacteria may enter through the exposed hair follicles after the waxing treatment. Dry the area as wax will not stick to wet skin, put baby powder to ensure that it’s dry. You can also put numbing cream for waxing for about thirty to forty five minutes before the procedure so it has already taken its effect.

Make sure that the hair on the pubic area are about half an inch though, if not, postpone the procedure. If they are longer, you can always trim the hair first before continuing the procedure. The next thing you have to do is the painful part. If you don’t have numbing cream for waxing, you can also opt to drink painkillers before the procedure.

You can buy bikini wax numbing cream in stores and online. Now, perform the waxing. It will be easier if you spread your legs in a V-position for better access. You can also do it by squatting and placing a mirror on the floor so you can see what you are doing. After the process, put calamine lotion and do not wear tight underwear until the pain is felt.
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Tags: five minutes, time of year, bacteria, good experience, first timers, weather, hair follicles, unwanted hair, cleanliness, safety precautions, bikini wax, pubic area, private area, one of those women, baby powder, bikini waxing