How To Beat The Stress In Pregnancy

By: Angelina Christy | Posted: 19th May 2011

Being pregnant is a very good experience for a Woman, and for a healthy baby is it very important for pregnant women that she should not put any stress on herself. Now days it is very important question that How to Beat the Stress during Pregnancy , so I read many newspapers and talk with pregnant ladies, and analyze some tips through which we can beat the pregnancy stress.

There are many reasons of stress like improper rest, Economical matters (sometimes) that women generally taken. According to my point of view woman should give priority to her baby and her own health. As I analyze there are many positive points for reducing the Stress during Pregnancy.

The first one is Time management so that she can take some rest. If she takes a proper rest then, it will be good for both (baby and mother too). If women have already a child then it is very hard to have some time for rest, so her husband and in-laws should look after her previous child while she take rest.

Yoga is best for pregnant lady for relaxation, and also help in both condition (labor as well as you are pregnant). Healthy and nutritious diet is also very important for pregnant lady healthy diet can help combat stress. Some women feel alone in pregnancy and worried about whether her baby will born healthy and safe or not, worried about the stretch marks, delivery period and whether she’ll have normal delivery or cesarean. So she must talk about these problems with her husband or mother or consult with her gynecologist.

In the first few weeks most women develop a strong aversion to food. Going hungry, however, is inadvisable; you must keep your stomach full. Don’t snack on junk food even if the craving is very strong. Settle instead, for cereals, pulses, and fibers. A vitamin-rich diet is also strongly recommended. Get in touch with a dietitician if possible.

A major issue that pregnant women face is sleep. Sleeping at night, especially, is problematic for most women as they have frequently run to the bathroom. It is also nature’s way of readying you for your baby who will make you get up several times at times. Try and get a nap in the afternoon if you can. As you advance through your pregnancy you would be best advised to sleep facing your left side. This position is also recommended by doctors as being good for the baby.

Most women stop exercising when pregnant. This can result in huge weight gain which might be difficult to get rid of after childbirth. Talk to your doctor about the kind of exercise you can do. Walking, which every doctor would advise, is one of the best forms of exercise and also good for the baby.
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Tags: pregnant women, good experience, cereals, healthy diet, junk food, own health, nutritious diet, stretch marks, pulses, aversion, women face, rich diet, proper rest, gynecologist, pregnant lady, pregnant ladies